Integration website

(Decommissioned June 2012)


The Integration website ( was established in April 2010 to provide information to the public and stakeholders about the Government’s decision to integrate the three agencies: Archives New Zealand, the National Library of New Zealand and the Department of Internal Affairs. The website documented the subsequent implementation programme.

The site included information about the State Sector Management Act, that enabled these organisational changes, and the final Decisions Document, released in November 2010.

While the website was maintained and administered by the Department of Internal Affairs, it contained all-of-government branding only.

The new organisational structure came into effect on 1 February 2011. The integration website was decommissioned in June 2012.

Go to the archived version of this website: (harvested February 2011, December 2010, October 2010, September 2010 and August 2010)