Summer Intern Programme

At Te Tari Taiwhenua we offer an annual Summer Internship programme to provide those studying towards a degree or higher qualification the opportunity to gain experience in their desired area of work.

We pride ourselves on being a supportive, inclusive and diverse organisation. We offer a flexible approach to our mahi and value diversity of thought.

During the 11-week programme you will have an excellent opportunity to gain work experience and obtain exposure to the workings of New Zealand’s public sector.

Hāpaitia te ara tika pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mō ngā uri whakatipu - Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations.

Key dates for 2024-2025

  • August – Te Tari Taiwhenua identifies groups within the organisation that will offer job opportunities for this year’s Summer Intern cohort
  • September – Recruitment begins, jobs will be advertised on our careers page
  • October – Interviews
  • November – Summer Internship begins
  • February – Summer Internship ends

Hear from our previous interns

Hear from our previous interns

Where to apply

Keep an eye on our careers page for an opportunity to be part of the Summer Intern Programme 2024-2025.

Current vacancies