
In the face of unprecedented climate challenges, we aspire to support the public service in operating sustainably and efficiently achieving reductions in Carbon emissions and cost saving. Explore the mahi and progress we’re making towards a more sustainable future.

Our climate commitment

We stand firmly behind the Government’s pledge to take urgent action on greenhouse gas mitigation and climate change adaptation. Through initiatives like the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP), we’re actively working to implement strategies to ensure we are meeting all commitments outlined in the CNGP.

Our sustainability vision

We have a holistic view of sustainability, where we define sustainability through three core pou:

Tāngata – Our people

Our commitment to sustainability includes giving our people what they need to flourish. We believe that a sustainable workplace fosters a culture of wellbeing and growth.

Taiao – Our environment

Operating within our baseline and minimising our environmental impact are integral to our sustainability strategy. We, recognise the interconnectedness of our actions with the world around us.

Pūtea – Our finances

Financial sustainability is a key element of our strategy. We recognise the importance of balancing responsible financial practices with carbon reductions to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of our sustainability initiatives.

As a department, we always have to put the people of New Zealand at the forefront of our decision making. This is the golden thread that runs through each of these core pou. 

Emission reduction targets

We have embraced ambitious goals set by the CNGP. By 2025, we aim to reduce our emissions by 12%, with a more substantial target of 42% by 2030 from our base year of 2022/2023. From 2025, the department will be required to purchase carbon credits to offset emissions and become carbon neutral. This will be an operational cost to be met from our baseline.  

Below is the makeup of our base year and target reductions.

2025 and 2030 targets compared to base year (For alternative text see link to long description below)

Link to original data (XLSX format, 10KB)

Business travel makes up most of our carbon footprint followed by stationary combustion (natural Gas and LPG for heating and cooling our buildings) freight and electricity.

Progress to date

Our emissions reduction journey is making some positive progress. From replacing the lighting in our building with LED to the phased replacement of end-of-life equipment that is more energy (and cost) efficient. Notable achievements include updating our travel policy and budgets ($$ and CO2e) and optimising and transitioning our fleet to electric where appropriate.

Our emissions reduction journey is making some positive progress. From replacing the lighting in our building with LED to the phased replacement of end-of-life equipment that is more energy (and cost) efficient. Notable achievements include updating our travel policy and budgets ($$ and CO2e) and optimising and transitioning our fleet to electric where appropriate.



  End-of-life equipment replaced with energy efficient systems at Archives & National Library.




  Completed staff commuting survey to determine materiality.




     6,100 lights replaced with LED in various buildings.




  Updated our travel policy & 15% reduction in air travel budgets for 2023/24.




  Optimised fleet numbers & transitioned to electric where appropriate (reduced    fleet size by 30% and transitioned to over 60% electric).




   Replacement of gas water heating system at the Avalon Film Archive.



      Updated input requirements in our travel booking system to obtain better data                      and reporting insights into reasons for travel.


What is in the pipeline?

  • Environmental control and optimisation of collection stores at National Library and Archives
  • Further replacement of end-of-life equipment
  • Further reductions in air travel
  • Further optimisations and electrification of fleet

Stay informed about the government’s carbon neutral progress:

Tracking progress Carbon Neutral Government Programme (Ministry for the Environment website)

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