Proactive releases

On this page

Departmental papers
Ministers' papers:

Proactive Release of Briefing Titles

See also OIA ResponsesRegulatory Impact Statements (RIS) and Cost Recovery Impact Statements (CRIS)

Departmental papers

Organisational change March to June 2024

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



05 July 2024 

Decisions document - Te Urungi Māori Strategy and Performance 
(PDF, 1MB)

05 July 2024 

Decisions document - Office of the Chief Executive (PDF, 872KB)

05 July 2024 

Decisions document - Toi Hiranga Regulation and Policy (PDF, 8.4MB)

05 July 2024 

Decisions document - He Pou Aronui Organisational Capability and Services (PDF, 4.94MB)

05 July 2024 

Decisions document - Digital Public Service Te Kōtui Whitiwhiti (PDF, 5.7MB)

05 July 2024 

Decisions document - Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library 
(PDF, 803KB)

05 July 2024 

Decisions document - Te Rua Mahara Archives New Zealand (PDF, 1.4MB)

30 May 2024

Decisions document – Indexing Team National Library (PDF, 1.3MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – Te Urungi Māori, Strategy and Performance 
(PDF, 2MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – Office of the Chief Executive (PDF, 1.2MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – Toi Hiranga Regulation and Policy (PDF, 5.7MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – He Pou Aronui Organisational Capability and Services (PDF, 5.8MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – Digital Public Service (PDF, 3.7MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – Archives New Zealand (PDF, 1.8MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – National Library (PDF, 1.5MB)

30 May 2024

Consultation document – Indexing Team, National Library (PDF, 1MB)

Further information about the baseline reduction programme is included in response to written parliamentary questions and can be found here: Written questions - New Zealand Parliament (

May 2023, Privacy Impact Assessment: Full Report – Identity Check

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



6 November 2023

May 2023, Privacy Impact Assessment: Full Report – Identity Check (PDF, 2.3MB)

Proactive release of Evaluation Report: Co-investment in Westport’s Resilience (September 2022) incorporating a technical review by Tonkin+Taylor (August 2022)

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



29 June 2023

Evaluation Report: Co-investment in Westport’s Resilience (September 2022) and an incorporated technical review (PDF, 1.7MB)

Proactive release of Advancing Digital Societies Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding between New Zealand Government Chief Technology Officer and Microsoft New Zealand Limited (2017), and Variation to Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding for Advancing Digital Societies (2020)

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted some information, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



19 April 2023

Advancing Digital Societies Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding between New Zealand Government Chief Technology Officer and Microsoft New Zealand Limited (2017), and Variation to Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding for Advancing Digital Societies (2020) - 19 April 2023 (PDF, 7MB)

Proactive release of Memorandum of Understanding between GCDO, Department of Internal Affairs and Amazon Web Services, 12 December 2022

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted some information, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



24 March 2023

Memorandum of Understanding between GCDO, Department of Internal Affairs and Amazon Web Services - 24 March 2023 (PDF, 1MB)

Proactive release of a report into the findings and recommendations of to a direction to report to the Chief Archivist issued to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment under section 31 of the Public Records Act 2005

The direction to report to the Chief Archivist was issued on 15 December 2021 and sought information about information management at Immigration New Zealand. The report was finalised in December 2022.

The Report is released in full. The document is published in Adobe PDF format.



14 February 2023

Report into the findings and recommendations of a direction to report to the Chief Archivist issued to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment - December 2022 (PDF, 1.3MB)

Letter relating to the Removal and Disposal Policy Advisory Group

Some parts of this information release would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Where this is the case, the relevant sections of the Act that would apply have been identified. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.



18 January 2023

Letter relating to the Removal and Disposal Policy Advisory Group (PDF, 994KB)

Contact Tracing Technologies Prototype Research Programme key documents

This information is jointly released by the Ministry of Health and Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Departments take into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Departments have redacted Personal phone numbers/emails for privacy. These documents are published in Adobe PDF format on the Ministry of Health website. A link to the reports is provided below.



13 August 2021

Contact Tracing Technologies Prototype Research Programme key documents (Ministry of Health website)

Proactive release of information relating to Crown Intervention in Tauranga City Council under Part 10 of the Local Government Act 2002

This information is relating to Crown Intervention in Tauranga City Council under Part 10 of the Local Government Act 2002.

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department is releasing this information with redactions, as noted on the cover page. These documents are published in Adobe PDF format.



8 June 2022

Proactive release of information relating to appointing a new Commission to the Tauranga City Council, November 2021 - April 2022 (PDF, 4MB)

5 February 2021

Proactive release of information relating to Crown Intervention in Tauranga City Council under Part 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 - Appointing commissioners (PDF, 4.6MB) 

19 December 2020

Proactive release of information relating to Crown Intervention in Tauranga City Council under Part 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 (PDF, 14.7MB) 

Independent Review of Marketplace Portal Data Incident

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted some information, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



17 December 2020

Independent Review of Marketplace Portal Data Incident  (PDF, 38.5MB) 

Proactive Release of Independent CovidCard Reports

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted some information, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



2 October 2020

Proactive Release of Independent CovidCard Reports  (PDF, 18.7MB)


Report Commissioned by the Department of Internal Affairs from MartinJenkins: Participatory Practices in Local government (11 December 2019)

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Report is released in full, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



7 August 2020

Report Commissioned by the Department of Internal Affairs from MartinJenkins: Participatory Practices in Local government (PDF, 883KB)

Report for the National Archival and Library Institutions Ministerial Group on the status of the Chief Archivist (released 19 May 2020)

This information is an independent report to the Department of Internal Affairs on the status of the Chief Archivist. The information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Report is released in full, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



19 May 2020

Proactive release of Report for the National Archival and Library Institutions Ministerial Group on the status of the Chief Archivist (PDF, 1.8MB)

Documents related to the closure of Tokaanu Marina (Taupo) and associated assessment reports - second release (released September 2019)

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted some information, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



26 September 2019 

 Proactive release of Tokaanu marina Condition Assessments (PDF, 4MB)

Documents related to the closure of Tokaanu Marina (Taupo) and associated assessment reports (released July 2019)

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted some information, as noted on the cover page. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



23 July 2019 

 Proactive release of Tokaanu marina Condition Assessments (PDF, 6.7MB)

Documents relating to the State Services Commission’s Inquiry into use of Private Investigators (released December 2018)

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department has redacted references to the amounts paid to Paragon New Zealand on the grounds of commercial sensitivity and the names and contact information of people to protect the privacy of those concerned. This document is published in Adobe PDF format.



July-August 2018 

 DIA's use of external security consultants (PDF, 3MB)

Document relating to the investigation of the Patten report’s unauthorised disclosure

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs.  In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Department redacted references to the names, gender, identifiable information and other details from the documents following a due diligence process, to protect the privacy of those concerned in this internal investigation and to protect and maintain legal professional privilege. This document is published in Adobe PDF format. (released 8 November 2018)



 31 October 2018 

Deloitte report into the investigation of Patten report's unauthorised disclosure (PDF, 5.5MB)

Documents relating to the investigation of the Hon Whaitiri incident – October 2018

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public. See our media release (5 October 2018)

The Department redacted references to the names, gender and other identifiable information from the documents following a due diligence process, to protect the privacy of those concerned in this employment matter.

Documents are published in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release-date order, with the most recent responses at the top.



5 October 2018

Redacted – TOR of the investigation on the incident involving Hon Whaitiri and a staff member (PDF, 2MB)

5 October 2018

Redacted – Final report of the investigation (PDF, 1MB)

5 October 2018

Redacted – Letter from Hon Whaitiri’s legal representatives (PDF, 870KB)

Back to top

Ministers' papers

Ministers' papers - Community and Voluntary Sector



14 May 2024

Cabinet material: Policy proposals to enable appeals to the taxation and Charities Appeals Authority (PDF, 1MB)

4 November 2022

Cabinet material: Strengthening Our Approach to Volunteering (PDF, 1MB)

31 October 2022

Cabinet material approving the introduction of the Charities Amendment Bill (PDF, 1.3MB)

July 2022

Cover sheet: Briefing papers relating to the policy work to modernise the Charities Act (PDF, 129KB)

Release of Briefing papers leading to policy decisions to modernise the Charities Act 2005

1 April 2022

Internal Affairs and MBIE Briefing - Government support for social enterprise (PDF, 4MB)

4 May 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material regarding Modernising the Charities Act 2005 (PDF, 1MB)

3 May 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet Material for the Extension of in-kind support for foreign nationals experiencing serious hardship due to the impacts of COVID-19 (PDF, 2MB)

14 September 2020

Proactive release of Cabinet material providing an Overview of the gambling, racing and community funding work programme (including the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector’s oral item on community funding)  (PDF, 754KB)

Ministers' papers - Ethnic Communities



18 November 2019

Immediate Funding for the Office of Ethnic Communities in Response to the Christchurch Mosques Terror Attack (PDF, 1.3MB)

Ministers' papers - Digitising Government

This information was released on the request of the Minister for Digitising Government. In releasing this information, the Minister takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

Documents are published in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release-date order, with the most recent responses at the top.

NOTE: The Digitising Government portfolio replaces the Digital Economy and Communications portfolio which was was closed in 2023. Earlier proactive releases may be found here: Digital Economy and Communications



13 May 2024

Cabinet paper – Accelerating the digitising of government services (PDF, 1MB)

15 April 2024

Cabinet Paper – Digital Identity Services Trust Framework – Approval to develop regulations (PDF, 4.3MB)

26 March 2024

Cover sheet: Proactive release of introductory briefings to the Minister of Digitising Government (PDF, 198KB)

1. Opportunities and next steps for the Digitising Government portfolio 
(PDF, 2.6MB)

2. Implementing the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023 
(PDF, 1.8MB)

3. Strengthening oversight of government digital investment (PDF, 1MB)

4. Modernising government services through digital (PDF, 2MB)

5. Artificial intelligence and its implications for digital public services 
(PDF, 1MB)

6. Accelerating the benefits of Cloud computing for the Public Service 
(PDF, 989KB)

7. All of Government Portfolio of digital products and ICT services 
(PDF, 1.4MB)

1 March 2024 Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Regulatory proposals, Engagement materials Cabinet paper, related minutes and discussion paper (PDF, 5.8MB)
28 February 2024 Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023 Regulations Summary of submissions February 2024 (PDF, 1MB)
1 March 2024 Digital Identity Services Trust-Framework Regulations submissions received September 2023 (PDF, 13MB)

Ministers' papers - Digital Economy and Communications (until November 2023)

This information was released on the request of the Minister for Digital Economy and Communications.  In releasing this information, the Minister takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

Documents are published in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release-date order, with the most recent responses at the top.



 22 November 2023 Cabinet material Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill: Approval for Introduction – 10 September 2021 (PDF, 2MB)
23 October 2023 Cabinet material Proposal to fund a shared approach to back-office transformation via proportional transfer - 23 October 2023 (PDF, 1.3MB)
1 October 2023 Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Regulations Submissions received September 2023 (PDF, 375KB)

16 May 2023

Cabinet material Proposals for refreshing the Cloud First Policy and strengthening cloud adoption across the public service -16 May 2023 (PDF, 1.8MB)

04 May 2023

Report Commissioned by the Digital Council of Aotearoa from NZIER: Addressing the digital divide: The economic case for increasing digital inclusion (December 2022). The Digital Council was an advisory group providing advice to government on utilising digital and data-driven technologies for societal good in New Zealand.

This information is released by the Department of Internal Affairs on behalf of the Digital Council of Aotearoa. In releasing this information, the Department takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

The Report is released in full, as noted on the cover page. 

Digital Council’s Advice to Government - Addressing the digital divide - the economic case for increasing digital inclusion - 4 May 2023 (PDF, 14.7MB)

Digital Council’s Research Report - Addressing the digital divide - the economic case for increasing digital inclusion - 4 May 2023 (PDF, 4.6MB)

17 April 2023

Cabinet material about Government Payroll Programme: Final Report, 17 April 2023 (PDF, 2MB)

28 February 2023

Cabinet material about Strengthening the mandate of the Government Chief Digital Officer over government digital investment, 30 May 2022 (PDF, 4MB)

17 January 2023

Cabinet material about the disestablishment of the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand, 17 January 2023 (PDF, 1.8MB)

11 January 2023

Cabinet material about Addressing Urgent Gaps in Digital Skills for Individuals and Whānau (PDF, 3MB)

01 December 2022

Ministerial Briefing GCPO State of Privacy Maturity in the Public Service
Report 2022 (PDF, 1.6MB)

24 May 2022

Cabinet Minute: Using Data Insights to Make Better Digital Investments (PDF, 778KB)

22 August 2021

Cabinet material relating to the oral item: Update on the Improving Government Payroll Systems Programme (PDF, 2MB)

9 August 2021

Investing in infrastructure for the digital identity system (PDF, 2.36MB)

28 May 2021

Cabinet material about the Addressing Urgent Gaps in Digital Skills Funding (PDF, 2MB)

14 May 2021

Cabinet material about the detailed policy proposals for a Digital Identity Trust Framework Bill (PDF, 5.3MB)

29 April 2021

Proactive release of titles of Briefings received by the Minister for Digital Economy and Communications, from the Department of Internal Affairs, Jan-Mar 2021 (PDF, 267KB)

4 February 2021

Titles of Briefings received by the Minister for Digital Economy and Communications, from the Department of Internal Affairs, Nov-Dec 2020 (PDF, 790KB)

9 November 2020

Cabinet papers and minutes on Overseas Travel: Hon Kris Faafoi - November 2020 (PDF, 1.7MB)

21 August 2020

Cabinet material about the Digital Identity Trust Framework (PDF, 2.2MB)

3 December 2019

Cabinet material about the Strategy for a Digital Public Service (PDF, 2MB)

10 May 2019

Cabinet Paper: Developing Options for a New Approach to Digital Identity (PDF, 5.5MB)

27 June 2018

GDS Briefing: Digital Inclusion work programme update - 26 June (PDF, 2MB)

26 June 2018

GDS Status Report - 21 June - 26 June (PDF, 1MB)

20 June 2018

GDS Status Report - 14 June - 20 June (PDF, 870KB)

13 June 2018

GDS Status Report - 7 June - 13 June (PDF, 1MB)

6 June 2018

GDS Status Report - 1 June - 6 June (PDF, 880KB)

Ministers' papers – Internal Affairs

This information is released on the request of the Minister for Internal Affairs.  In releasing this information, the Minister takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

Documents are published in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release-date order, with the most recent responses at the top.




27 March 2024 Proactive release of the Cabinet material relating to levy rates consultation (1.59MB) 
28 May 2024

Cabinet papers and briefings for policy decisions on exemptions from the insurance levy to fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand (PDF, 2MB)

16 May 2024

Royal Commission into Abuse in Care - Cabinet papers related to extension of time release (PDF, 1MB)

12 March 2024

Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons - documents related to expanding the Terms of Reference (PDF, 1MB)

6 March 2024

Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons - Cabinet minutes related to expanding the Terms of Reference (PDF, 980KB)

16 October 2023

Cabinet papers and minutes of decision for Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons – Extension of Time (PDF, 3MB)

2 October 2023

 Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2023 (PDF, 56KB)

19 September 2023

Cabinet paper and associated documents related to Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care: Faith-based Institutions and Informal or Pastoral Care Settings (PDF, 1MB)

7 September 2023 Proactive Release of Cabinet material and key advice papers relating to the release of discussion document on modernising the regulatory framework for media and online services - 7 September 2023 (PDF, 3MB)
15 August 2023 Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions extension of time (PDF, 3MB)
11 August 2023 A model for Tātai Tupuna (PDF, 915KB)
27 July 2023 Cabinet material about the Regulations addressing harm minimisation in Class 4 gambling venues, and associated infringement regulations; and miscellaneous oral item (PDF, 1.2MB)

21 July 2023

Proactive release of Cabinet Paper Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Registering Nominated Sex) Regulations 2023 and associated materials (PDF, 1MB)

08 May 2023

Memorandum of Understanding: Development of Partnering and Collaboration to support management of shared services, facilities and resources for National Library of New Zealand, Alexander Turnbull Library, Archives New Zealand and Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, December 2022 ( PDF, 3.6MB)

04 May 2023

Cabinet material about the Establishment of the Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust - 4 May 2023 (PDF, 602KB)

02 May 2023

Cabinet Material about Privacy (Information Sharing Agreement Facilitating
Access to Information about Deaths) Order 2023 (PDF, 4.5MB)

03 April 2023

Briefing regarding the Removal and Disposal Policy of the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa - April 2023 (PDF, 1.8MB)

15 March 2023

Cabinet papers and associated documents related to the establishment of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Lessons Learned from Aotearoa New Zealand’s response to COVID-19 That Should Be Applied in Preparation for a Future Pandemic (PDF, 1.6MB)

10 February 2023

Cabinet Material about the proposed regulations to underpin the Self-Identification process (PDF, 8MB)

02 February 2023

Cabinet material and key advice papers relating to Hon Jan Tinetti, Minister of Internal Affairs' overseas travel to Europe on 30 September 2022 – 13 October 2022 (PDF, 3.9MB)

20 December 2022

Cabinet material for Electronic Identity Verification Amendment Regulations 2022 (PDF, 630KB)

24 November 2022

Cabinet documents related to Reducing Pokies Harm: Proposals to strengthen regulations (PDF, 3.5MB)

31 October 2022

Cabinet material for Fire and Emergency (Levy) Amendment Bill 2022 (PDF, 1.5MB)

29 June 2022

Minister’s Papers 2022 Passport and Travel Document Fee Review (PDF, 13MB)

4 July 2022

Cabinet material about the Gambling (Problem Gambling Levy) Regulations 2022 (PDF, 1MB)

13 July 2022

Cabinet paper and associated briefings related to the release of the Discussion Document: self-identification regulations and registering gender for people born overseas (7.55MB)

June 2022

Independent Quality Assurance Reports relating to the New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme (PDF, 7.1MB)

18 May 2022

Cabinet material related to regulations for the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Amendment Act 2021 (PDF, 4.7MB)

5 May 2022

Cabinet material related to 'Reducing Pokies Harm: Approval to consult' (PDF, 1.3MB)

19 April 2022

Cabinet material related to the Cabinet paper Options for restricting the online gambling market (PDF, 877KB)

14 April 2022

Cabinet paper and associated minutes – Overview of Government’s gambling harm prevention and minimisation measures (PDF, 784KB)

30 March 2022

Cabinet material related to the Government response to the select committee inquiry into the self-identification supplementary order paper (PDF, 3MB)

11 February 2022

Cabinet material and associated briefing about the Gambling (Reinstating COVID-19 Modification) Amendment Bill (PDF, 1.6MB)

4 February 2022

Cabinet paper and associated briefings – Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill (PDF, 8.39MB)

22 December 2021

Cabinet material relating to changes to Fire and Emergency’s funding regime (PDF, 7MB)

2 December 2021

Cabinet material about the Death Approved Information Sharing Agreement: Policy Decisions (PDF, 9MB)

5 November 2021

Proactive release of Department of Internal Affairs papers regarding the Tāhuhu Programme (PDF, 3.5MB)

6 September 2021

Proactive release of LEG Cabinet paper and associated briefings – Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill: Approval of self-identification supplementary order paper (PDF, 2.3MB)

 12 August 2021

Cabinet papers related to the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Amendment Regulations 2021 (1.8MB)

6 August 2021

Interim Administrative Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions (PDF, 8MB)

6 August 2021

Cabinet paper and associated minutes concerning the Royal Commission into Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions Amendment Order 2021 (PDF, 2.5MB)

3 August 2021

Proactive release of a Department of Internal Affairs briefing regarding the donation of books from the Overseas Published Collections to the Internet Archive (PDF, 1.35MB)

26 July 2021

Cabinet material and associated briefings about the Next Steps for the Royal
Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions (PDF, 10MB)

23 July 2021

Cabinet material relating to the removal of the filtering provisions from the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill (PDF, 1.9MB)

28 June 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material – Films, Videos, and Publications Commercial Video on-Demand Levy Regulations 2021 (PDF, 1.1MB)

28 June 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material – Films, Videos, and Publications (Commercial Video on-Demand) Amendment Regulations 2021 (PDF, 1.2MB)

2 July 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material about the initiation of the media content regulatory review (PDF, 4.4MB)

Note, that the briefing The Department’s recommended approach to a review of the media content regulatory system reflects the Department’s independent early thinking and that there are no plans for two separate reviews.

14 June 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet paper and associated briefings – Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill (PDF, 14.3MB)

2 June 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material and briefings for the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Funding Review May 2021 (PDF, 6MB)

20 May 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material for the release of Government response to the final report of the working group for reducing bariers to changing registered sex (PDF, 3.39MB)

5 May 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material about Agreement to Share Information about Deaths (PDF, 937KB)

15 March 2021

Cabinet material about out of cycle changes to budget baselines for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019 (PDF, 12MB)

9 February 2021

Cabinet material for Fire and Emergency New Zealand (COVID-19 – Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2020 (PDF, 1MB)

21 December 2020

Cabinet paper about changes to the Order in Council (including the terms of reference) for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019 (PDF, 2MB)

25 November 2020

Internal Affairs briefing, and letters from the Chairs of the Council of New Zealand University Librarians (CONZUL) and Library and Information Advisory Commission (LIAC), regarding the management of the National Library’s Overseas Published Collections (PDF, 2.2MB)

25 September 2020

Cabinet papers and minutes on Overseas Travel: Hon Tracey Martin - March 2020 (PDF, 1.7MB)

16 September 2020

Proactive release of the Cabinet paper “Investing in Critical Infrastructure for Identity and Life Event Services”, related papers and the Single Stage Business Case for Phase 2 for Te Ara Manaaki. (Due to excesively large file size, this release has been divided into four parts):

Proactive release - Investing in Critical Infrastructure - Part 1 (PDF, 2.2MB)

Proactive release - Investing in Critical Infrastructure - Part 2 (PDF, 20MB)

Proactive release - Investing in Critical Infrastructure - Part 3 (PDF, 13.5MB)

Proactive release - Investing in Critical Infrastructure - Part 4 (PDF, 17MB)

14 September 2020

Proactive release of Cabinet material providing an Overview of the gambling, racing and community funding work programme (including the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector’s oral item on community funding) (PDF, 754KB)

4 September 2020

Proactive release of Cabinet material about Overseas Travel - 24 August 2020 (PDF, 802KB)

31 August 2020

Proactive release of briefings about the third and final extension to the report back date of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019 (PDF, 8MB)

27 July 2020

Cabinet material about funding the Office of Film and Literature Classification (PDF, 1.3MB)

24 July 2020

Cabinet Material about Privacy (Information Sharing Agreement facilitating Customer Nominated Services) Order 2020 (PDF, 2.5MB)

25 June 2020

Cabinet paper: Preserving the Nation’s Memory (PDF, 9.7MB)

22 June 2020

Cabinet paper entitled “Films, Videos, Publications (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction” and related minutes (PDF, 1MB)

5 March 2020

Cabinet material on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019: Extension to the final report back date and additional funding (PDF, 6MB)

14 February 2020

Cabinet material about the Review of options for funding the classification framework under the Films, Videos, Publications and Classification Act 1993 (PDF, 5MB)

14 February 2020

Direct Access Agreement under the Intelligence and Security Act 2017 – 31 October 2018 (PDF, 4MB)

7 February 2020

Cabinet material about the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Commercial Video on-Demand) Amendment Bill (PDF, 5.42MB)

30 January 2020

Cabinet material relating to Countering Violent Extremism Online (PDF, 10MB)

16 December 2019

Cabinet material about Information Sharing for Customer Nominated Services (PDF, 2.7MB)

12 December 2019

Cabinet material about the Privacy (information Sharing Agreement to Facilitate Efficient Provision of Identity Services) Order 2019 (PDF, 1.5MB)

 4 December 2019

Second release of Fire and Emergency New Zealand funding review papers (PDF, 925KB)

29 November 2019

Fire and Emergency New Zealand funding review papers (PDF, 1.1MB)

12 November 2019

Cabinet material about the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: funding for legal assistance and fit out costs (PDF, 1.8MB)

29 October 2019

Fire and Emergency New Zealand’s Dispute Resolution Scheme: Release of consultation documents (PDF, 1.2MB)

29 October 2019

Supplementary Order Paper and Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy Rates and Information Requirements in Transitional Period) Amendment Regulations 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

4 October 2019

Final Policy proposals to amend the FVPCA to classify CVoD (PDF, 5.4MB)

20 September 2019

Briefings relating to the establishment of the Working Group for Reducing Barriers to Changing Registered Sex (8.6MB)

12 August 2019

Online Gambling in New Zealand: Release of Discussion Document (PDF, 8MB)

1 August 2019

Establishing a Working Group for reducing barriers to changing registered sex (PDF, 679KB) 

17 July 2019

Proactive release of Cabinet material about Improved Information Sharing for Customer Nominated Services (PDF, 911KB)

28 June 2019

Joint Cabinet Papers of the Attorney-General and Minister of Internal Affairs Establishing the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019 – 20 May, 8 April and 25 March 2019 (PDF, 3MB)

28 June 2019

Cabinet Paper on the Strategy to prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm (PDF, 10MB)

28 June 2019

Cabinet paper: Gambling (Problem Gambling Levy) Regulations 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

7 June 2019

Future regulation of class 4 gambling - March 2019 (PDF, 2MB)

16 May 2019

New Contract for Supply and Personalisation of NZ Travel Documents, Department of Internal Affairs - 20 March 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

16 May 2019

Minute of Decision New Contract for Supply and Personalisation of NZ Travel Documents, Cabinet Office - 20 March 2019 (PDF, 789KB)

26 April 2019

Minister’s Cabinet paper: Consultation on Commercial Video on-Demand content classification (PDF, 7MB) 

26 April 2019

Agreement to publish the Cabinet paper entitled 'Classification for Commercial Video on-Demand Content: Release of Discussion Document' and related documents - 11 March 2019 (PDF, 770KB) 

26 April 2019

Minute of Decision: Report of the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee: Period Ended 8 March 2019 (PDF, 670KB) 

26 April 2019

Minute of Decision: Classification for Commercial Video on-Demand Content: Release of Discussion Document - 6 March 2019 (PDF, 1.2MB) 

26 April 2019

Cover briefing: Consultation package and Cabinet paper on changes to the Films, Videos, and Publications Act 1993 - 7 February 2019 (PDF, 1.3MB) 

26 April 2019

Minute of Decision: Additional Item: Proposed Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Subscription Video on-Demand) Amendment Bill: Proposed Approach - 29 January 2019 (PDF, 1.2MB) 

26 April 2019

Cabinet Oral item: Proposals to amend Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 to include Subscription Video on-Demand content - 24 January 2019  (PDF, 1.5MB) 

26 April 2019

Policy briefing: Further advice regarding proposed Films, Videos and Publications Classification Amendment Bill - 19 December 2018 (PDF, 1.3MB) 

26 April 2019

Policy briefing: changes to New Zealand’s classification regime – The Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Subscription Video on-Demand) Amendment Bill - 10 December 2018 (PDF, 1.4MB) 

18 April 2019

Cabinet Paper National Library Te Puna Foundation (PDF, 2MB)

March 2019

Cabinet paper: Chatham Islands Investment Strategy Update (PDF, 179KB)

November 2018

Cabinet paper: Proposed changes to passport and travel fees (PDF, 2MB)

November 2018

Cabinet Minute: GOV-18-MIN-0084 (PDF, 1MB)

December 2018

LEG Paper: Passport (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2019 (PDF, 870KB)

December 2018

Cabinet Minute: LEG-MIN-0179 (PDF, 1MB)

 Back to top

Ministers’ papers – Local Government

This information is released on the request of the Minister of Local Government. In releasing this information, the Minister takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

Some information has been redacted from these documents under S 9(2)(a) of the Official Information Act 1982.

Documents are published in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release-date order, with the most recent responses at the top.



19 July 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet Material related to the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill (PDF, 1.6MB)

19 July 2024

Proactive release of Local Government Weekly Status Reports: (PDF, 200KB)

19 July 2024

Proactive release of briefings related to the Water Services Acts Repeal Act (Bill 1) (PDF, 213KB)

 19 July 2024

Proactive release of briefings related to the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill (Bill 2) (PDF, 210KB)

19 July 2024

Briefing: Wellington drinking water supply – request for information (PDF, 3.2MB)

19 July 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet material on the Conclusion of the Future for Local Government Review (PDF, 1.6MB)

31 May 2024

Cabinet Paper and Minute: Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill: Approval for Introduction (PDF, 1.5MB)

31 May 2024

Local Water Done Well stage 2: establishing the framework and transitional arrangements (PDF, 1.1MB)

31 May 2024

Briefing: Wastewater standards – Amendments to the Water Services Act (PDF, 9.9MB)

17 May 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet material and additional documents relating to the Government Response to the Report of the Regulations Review Committee on Inquiry into bylaws [PDF, 1MB]

16 May 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet material about the Government response to the Inquiry into the 2022 Local Elections [PDF, 1MB]

9 May 2024

Proactive release of policy briefings relating to reinstating the Māori wards poll provisions [PDF, 3.7MB]

6 May 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet material about policy decisions on reinstating the Māori wards poll provisions [PDF, 2.34MB] (updated 2 July 2024)

22 April 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet paper and minute relating to the Rates Rebates (Specified Amounts) Order 2024 [PDF, 476KB]

22 April 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet paper and minute related to the Tauranga City Council elections [PDF, 375KB]

18 April 2024

Proactive release of Cabinet material about the Water Services Acts Repeal Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 1012KB]

18 April 2024


Chatham Islands Shipping and Livestock Issues Cabinet paper (PDF, 170KB)
Chatham Islands Shipping and Livestock Issues Cabinet minute (PDF, 185KB)


13 March 2024 

Proactive Release of Cabinet material about the Repeal of the Water Services Entities Act as part of the 100-Day Plan [PDF, 1.8MB]

6 November 2023

Proactive release of SWERL (Local Government Act 2002 Long-term Plan) Order 2023 [PDF, 573KB]

6 November 2023

Proactive release of SWERL (Local Government) Amendment Order 2023 [PDF, 451KB]

6 November 2023

Proactive release of Sediment and Debris Management Package Report back and administrative change [PDF, 588KB]

6 November 2023

Proactive release of Replacing the 2024 Long-term plan with a Three year Plan for eight local authorities [PDF, 1MB]

10 Novermber 2023

Tauranga City Council elections decisions [PDF, 123KB]

23 March 2023

Water Services Entities Amendment Bill – Approval for Introduction [PDF, 890KB]

23 August 2023

Voting age – Government response to the Declaration of Inconsistency and development of the Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill  [PDF, 9MB]

10 July 2023

Cabinet material about developments on a framework for a national network of high specification public bathroom facilities [PDF, 6MB] 

7 July 2023

Cabinet material and additional documents relating to the Rates Rebates Order 2023 [PDF, 7MB] 

28 June 2023

Water services entities: ‘Systems of Record’ investment [PDF, 14MB]

13 June 2023

Regulatory Impact Statement: Addendum to Decision on the reform of water services delivery arrangements [PDF, 1.4MB]

15 May 2023

Cabinet paper and Minute - Refocusing the water services reforms - further decisions  [PDF, 1.2MB]

11 April 2023

Cabinet paper and Minute - Refocusing the water services reforms - strategy and urgent decisions  [PDF, 1.4MB]

6 April 2023

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill – regulatory relief in light of Cyclone Gabrielle (PDF, 823KB) 

16 March 2023

Cabinet material about an oral item: Update on Central Government Reforms Impacting Local Government, 3 February 2023 (PDF, 2.4MB)

8 December 2022

Cabinet paper and Minute - Water Services Legislation Bill - Approval for introduction, 17 November 2022 (PDF, 1MB)

8 December 2022

Cabinet paper and Minute - Pricing and charging for three waters services, 7 June 2022 (PDF, 1MB)

 8 December 2022

Chapter 8 RIA Water Services Entities Implementation Arrangements (PDF, 1MB)

 8 December 2022

Cabinet paper and Minute - Policy proposals for three waters service delivery legislative settings, 7 June 2022 - updated December 2022 (PDF, 2MB)

23 November 2022

Cabinet material about the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill (PDF, 1.7MB)

28 October 2022

Cabinet paper and minute - COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Planning for the 2022 Local Elections (PDF, 927KB)

21 Ocober 2022

August 2022, Report: Vulnerable Communities Exposed to Flood Hazard (PDF, 1.3MB)

11 August 2022

Cabinet paper and minute – Enabling a coordinated approach to reforms impacting local government (PDF, 2MB)

27 July 2022

Cabinet material and additional documents related to Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill (PDF, 24.4MB)

13 July 2022

Cabinet material and additional documents relating to the Rates Rebate Order 2022 (PDF, 8MB)

2 June 2022

Cabinet Paper - Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for-New Zealand) Regulations 2022 - 2 June 2022 (PDF, 1.3MB)

6 April 2022

Cabinet Paper - Managing cost pressures associated with implementing the three waters reform programme (PDF, 2MB)

29 June 2022

Final Report of the Tauranga City Council Commission (PDF, 5.6MB)

8 June 2022

Cabinet material relating to the Local Electoral (Advertising) Bill (PDF, 2MB)

25 February 2022

Cabinet minutes and material relating to the oral item: Future for Local Government Interim Report (PDF, 1.4MB)

18 February 2022

Cabinet paper and minute – Water Services Entities Bill: Exposure draft and Working Group Process – 8 December 2021 (PDF, 4.6MB)

4 February 2022

Cabinet paper and minute – Proposals for changes to the land information memorandum – 29 November 2021 (PDF, 903KB)

[Appendix B] Regulatory Impact Statement – Improving disclosure of natural hazard information in the land information memorandum system (PDF, 2.9MB)

13 December 2021

Cabinet paper and minutes water services act commencement order 2021 and taumata arowai the water services regulator act 2020 commencement order no 2 2021 (1.6MB)

6 December 2021

Cabinet paper and minute – Water Services Act Commencement Order 2021 and Taumata Arowai – the Water Services Regulator Act 2020 Commencement Order (No 2) 2021 [PDF, 2MB]

16 November 2021

Cabinet Paper Four and minute - Delivering the Three Waters Reforms - 12 July 2021 [PDF, 8MB]

16 November 2021

Cabinet paper and minute - Government Response to the Report of the Justice Committee Inquiry into the 2019 Local Elections and Liquor Licensing Trust Elections, and Recent Energy Trust Elections [PDF,1.79MB]

2 November 2021

Three Waters Reform Programme - Local Government Feedback on reform proposals

18 October 2021

Cabinet Paper - Three Waters Reforms Further Decisions - 18 October 2021 [PDF, 6.6MB]

24 September 2021

Briefing – Three Waters Review – Castalia report for Whangārei District Council [PDF, 1.6MB]
Appendix 1 – Farrierswier letter to DIA on earlier Castalia report [PDF, 994KB]
Appendix 2 – Responses to claims made by Castalia [PDF, 871KB]
Appendix 3 – Departmental Statement on the Castalia Report for Whangārei District Council [PDF, 883KB]
Appendix 4 – Alan Sutherland letter to Minister Mahuta [PDF, 760KB]
Castalia report – Advice on Water Reform Opt-Out [PDF, 1.6MB]

5 August 2021

Information Memorandum - Standard and Poor's - Three Waters Reform Programme [PDF, 4MB]

5 August 2021

Rating Evaluation Service (RES) Letter - Three Waters Reform Programme [PDF, 2MB]

4 August 2021

Cabinet material and additional documents relating to the Rates Rebates Order 2021 (PDF, 4MB)

20 July 2021

Cabinet paper and minute: Dog Control (Schedule 5) Order 2021 (PDF, 1MB)

19 July 2021

Cabinet paper and minute - Community resilience programme – report back and future focus (PDF, 6MB)

9 July 2021

Changes to Māori Ward and Māori Constituency Processes: Release of Discussion Document (PDF, 1 MB)

30 June 2021

Cabinet material related to developing a new system for three waters service delivery:

See also: Regulatory Impact Analysis

18 June 2021

Cabinet material related to the establishment of a Ministerial review into the future for local government (PDF, 2.6MB)

18 May 2021

Cabinet paper and minute - Final Government Response to the Report of the Social Services and Community Committee’s Report on Petition 2017/91 (PDF, 3MB)

6 May 2021 

Cabinet paper and minute – Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Bill: Approval for Supplementary Order Paper, 18 February 2021 (PDF, 1MB)

27 April 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material relating to the Government Response to the Interim Report of the Justice Committee Inquiry into the 2019 Local Elections and Liquor Licensing Trust Elections, and Recent Energy Trust Elections. 26 January 2021 (PDF, 1MB)

29 March 2021

Cabinet paper and minute – Approval of the Taumata Arowai – the Water Services Regulator Act Commencement Order 2021, 18 February 2021 (PDF, 1037KB)

5 February 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material relating to the Local Electoral (Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill (PDF, 2MB)

See also: Impact Summary

14 December 2021

Cabinet paper and minute – Progressing the three waters service delivery reforms – December 2020 (PDF, 2MB)

11 December 2020

Proactive release of Cabinet material and additional documents relating to Interim response to the Report of the Social Services and Community Committee on Petition 2017/91 of Jenn Hooper (PDF, 2.8MB)

14 September 2020

Proactive release of Westland District Council performance update and Oversight Committee final report (PDF, 10MB)

2 September 2020

Proactive release of Cabinet material and additional documents relating to the Rates Rebates Order 2020 (PDF, 4MB)

29 July 2020

Cabinet material related to introduction of the Water Services Bill, 21 July 2020 (1MB)

29 July 2020

Cabinet paper and minute – Investing in water infrastructure to accelerate reform and support economic recovery post COVID-19 – June 2020 (PDF, 3.3MB)

23 July 2020

Documents relating to the decision on the future of Tokaanu Marina (Lake Taupō) - third release (released July 2020) (PDF, 10.9MB)

5 June 2020

Cabinet paper and minute - Government Response to the Justice Committee report Inquiry into the 2017 General Election and 2016 Local Elections (PDF, 891KB)

28 May 2020

Policy Briefings: Related to the Lake Taupō Navigational Safety Amendment Bylaw 2020 (PDF, 1.3MB)

11 March 2020

Cabinet paper and minute – Financial assistance relating to the North Island drought (PDF, 1.4MB)

28 February 2020

Policy Briefings: Related to the appointment of a Crown Observer to the Westland District Council (PDF, 6MB)

27 February 2020

Cabinet material about Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Bill (PDF, 1MB)

27 February 2020

Briefings about Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Bill - (Part 1)  (PDF, 7.5MB)

27 February 2020

Briefings about Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Bill - (Part 2) (PDF, 15MB)

28 January 2020

Cabinet Legislation Committee material for the Lake Taupo fees review (PDF, 1 MB)

19 December 2019

Cabinet material about introduction of the Taumata Arowai – Water Services Regulator Bill (PDF, 830KB)

19 December 2019

Cabinet material about the cross-government community resilience work programme (PDF, 3MB)

1 November 2019

Cabinet paper and minute – Supporting a Response to Natural Hazard risk-to-life in Matatā (PDF, 1MB)

29 October 2019

Cabinet Legislation Committee material for the Rates Rebate Amendment Bill (PDF, 1MB)

25 October 2019

Cabinet paper and minute – Institutional arrangements for a drinking water regulator – September 2019 (PDF, 8.8MB)

25 October 2019

Regulatory Impact Assessment – Decision on the organisational form of a new drinking water regulator – September 2019 (PDF, 5.7MB)

25 October 2019

Business Case – A new drinking water regulator – August 2019 (PDF, 1.3MB)

24 October 2019

Cabinet Legislation Committee material for the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No 2) Supplementary Order Paper (PDF, 1MB)

9 October 2019

Cabinet paper and minute – Rates Rebate (Specified Amounts) Order 2019 (PDF, 1.4MB)

17 September 2019

Cabinet paper and minute - Proactive release of the Report back on the settings and uptake of the Rates Rebate Scheme - 16 September 2019 (PDF, 628KB)

19 August 2019

Cabinet paper and minute – Working with local government on community wellbeing – August 2019 (PDF, 2MB)

5 August 2019

Cabinet paper, committee minutes, briefings – council-controlled organisations – June 2019 (PDF, 10.7MB)

1 August 2019

Cabinet paper, minute, and Regulatory Impact Assessment – Strengthening the regulation of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater – July 2019 (PDF, 11MB)

1 August 2019

Cabinet paper and minute – A plan for three waters reform – July 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

31 July 2019

Cabinet papers and minute – Lake Taupo Fees Review: Final Policy Proposals (PDF, 2MB)

29 July 2019

Cabinet paper and minute: Dog Control (Schedule 5) Order 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

9 July 2019

Cabinet paper and minute: Facilitating adaptive responses for community resilience alongside local government (PDF, 5MB)

10 April 2019

Cabinet paper and minute: Report on Overseas Travel: Hon Nanaia Mahuta (PDF, 920KB)

4 April 2019

Policy Briefing: Intervention Options for the Westland District Council  (PDF, 1.6MB)

4 April 2019

 Appendix B: Letter to the Chief Executive, Westland District Council (PDF, 689KB)

3 April 2019 

Cabinet paper, minute and independent report: Changes to the role of the Local Government Commission and reorganisation provisions in the Local Government Act 2002 (PDF, 1.8MB)

December 2018

Cabinet paper: New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill – progress of local bill and inclusion of Crown interests (PDF, 806KB) 

December 2018

Cabinet minute: New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Bill – progress of local bill and inclusion of Crown interest (PDF 263KB)

13 August 2018

Briefing: A Threshold Framework for Considering Crown Intervention in Local Government – 13 August (PDF, 2MB)

 Back to top

Ministers’ papers – Ministerial Services

This information is released on the request of the Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services. In releasing this information, the Minister takes into account the public interest in making the information public.

Documents are published in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release-date order, with the most recent responses at the top.



28 March 2024

Independent review by Te Pou Awe Te Whare Pirimia – Premier House Board on the Long-term Stewardship of Te Whare Pirimia – Premier House 
(PDF, 5.9MB)

March 2019

Cabinet paper - National Memorial Service for the Christchurch Attacks 
(PDF, 1MB)

March 2019

Cabinet Minute - National Remembrance Service for the Christchurch Mosques Terror Attack (PDF, 689KB)

December 2018

Cabinet paper - Proactive Release of Ministerial Diary Information 
(PDF, 682KB)

December 2018

Cabinet Minute - Proactive Release of Ministerial Diary Information 
(PDF, 660KB)

Ministers’ papers – Racing

This information is released on the request of the Minister of Racing. In releasing this information, the Minister takes into account the public interest in making the information public.



September 2023

Proactive release of the Racing Integrity Board's Greyhound Work Programme Quarterly Ministerial Report September 2023 (PDF, 2MB)

11 October 2023

Proactive release of Racing Cabinet material and briefings (PDF, 12MB)

9 January 2023

Cabinet material about the transfer of surplus racing venue negotiation regulations (PDF, 5.5MB)

16 August 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material regarding the results of review into greyhound racing in New Zealand (PDF, 340KB)

6 October 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material about the Racing Integrity Board regulations and commencement order (PDF, 956KB)

6 October 2021

Proactive release of Cabinet material about the Betting Duty Savings and the Point of Consumption Charge Distribution Regulations (PDF, 3.8MB)

14 September 2020

Proactive release of Cabinet material providing an Overview of the gambling, racing and community funding work programme (including the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector’s oral item on community funding) (PDF, 754KB)

7 July 2020 

Supplementary Order Paper for the Racing Industry Bill  (PDF, 892KB)

7 July 2020 

Racing (Extension of Transition Period) Order 2020 and interim TAB NZ Board (PDF, 1MB)

12 December 2019

Racing Industry Bill, Legislation Paper (PDF, 1.6MB)

12 December 2019

Racing Industry Bill, Review of Racing Paper 1: Overview of the Final Racing Industry Reforms (PDF, 2.4MB)

12 December 2019

Racing Industry Bill, Review of Racing Paper 2: Governance of the New Zealand Racing Industry (PDF, 2.4MB)

12 December 2019

Racing Industry Bill, Review of Racing Paper 3: Utilising Racing Industry Property to Support Industry Revitalisation (PDF, 1.2MB)

12 December 2019

Racing Industry Bill, Review of Racing Paper 4: New Products and Strengthened Harm Prevention and Minimisation for TAB NZ (PDF, 1.5MB)


2 July 2019

Cabinet material regarding the introduction of the Racing Reform Bill 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

17 April 2019

Review of Racing, Paper 1: Overview of the New Zealand Racing Industry and Identified Issues (PDF, 877KB)

17 April 2019

Review of Racing, Paper 2: Policy Decisions on Transitional Governance to Drive Change (PDF, 1.6MB)

17 April 2019

Review of Racing, Paper 3: Proposals for Immediately Increasing Revenue for the Racing Industry (PDF, 1.3MB)

11 February 2019

Report on Overseas Travel: Rt Hon Winston Peters: Melbourne, Australia 6-7 November 2018 (PDF, 1.1MB)

Documents related to COVID-19 decision making by Cabinet - (released May 2020)

The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet have coordinated the release of documents related to COVID-19 decision making by Cabinet. This information is released on the request of the Prime Minister’s Office. In releasing this information, Ministers have taken into account the public interest in making the information public.

Documents related to this release can be found here on the website. Documents are published in Adobe PDF format.

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 1 May 2024 to 30 May 2024

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Archives Council – Te Rua Wānanga: Commencement of the 2024 appointments round

Fire and Emergency New Zealand: Draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2024/25

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 2 May 2024

Finalisation of the Chatham Islands Strategy 2024 refresh

Proactive release of the Cabinet material on exemptions from the Fire and Emergency levy

Meeting with United Fire Brigades Association

Meeting with TAB NZ on 8 May 2024

Office of Film and Literature Classification - Draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2024/25

Efficiencies and effectiveness across the Department – Service Delivery and Operations functions and programmes

Meeting with officials on Thursday, 9 May, 4:15pm: Online casino gambling regulatory design (#3)

Options for refreshing the Department's Strategic Intentions

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board 2024 Appointment Round: Commencement Briefing

Consultation on the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons: report on public submissions

Lottery Distribution Committees 2024 Appointment Round: Commencement Briefing

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 9 May 2024

Draft response to letter from KiwiRail, dated 2 May 2024

Meeting with officials in week of 13 May: Online casino gambling regulatory design (#4)

Te Ara Manaaki – Testing and readiness activities before March changes to passport system

National Library Removal and Disposal Policy

Examination of Estimates 2024/25 – Draft responses to Finance and Expenditure Committee (FEC) questions

Meeting on 23 May 2024 with the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand about Fire and Emergency

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 16 May 2024

Meeting with officials on 23 May: Online casino gambling regulatory design (#5)

Initial views on levy revenue options to support meeting with Fire and Emergency on 22 May

Approval to issue drafting instructions to Parliamentary Counsel Office for changes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Prescribed Information) Regulations 1995

Examination of Estimates 2024/25 – draft support pack for select committee hearing

Aide memoire to support your meeting with the Free Speech Union on 29 May 2024

Revoking spent Regulations: Commercial Use of Royal Photographs Rules 1955, 1959, and 1962

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 23 May 2024

Estimates 2024/25 – draft responses to supplementary questions from Governance and Administration Committee

Meeting with officials on 23 May: Online casino gambling regulatory design (#6)

Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund - May 2024

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: Final responses to the Standard Estimates Questionnaire

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 30 May 2024

Crown Entity monitoring overview

Meeting with officials on 7 June: Online casino gambling regulatory design (#7)

Amended copy of proposed amendments to Citizenship Guidance Document

Ministerial Reporting for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024

Passports Processing Update 2 May

Passports Processing Update 9 May

Passports Processing Update 16 May

Passports Processing Update 23 May

Passports Processing Update 30 May

Chatham Islands Shipping and Livestock Issues

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 9 May 2024

CVS Aide Memoire – Meeting with Community Governance Aotearoa

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: FEC draft responses and GAC (or SSCC) hearing preparation

The Minister’s meeting with Cross Agency Steering Group on Volunteering

Draft Cabinet paper: Ministerial consultation on draft regulations for appeals to the Taxation and Charities Review Authority

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 23 May 2024

Te Puna Tahua Lottery Grants Board member survey

Estimates 2024/25 – draft responses to supplementary questions from Social Services and Community Committee

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: Final responses to the Standard Estimates Questionnaire

Overview of the 12 Community Trusts in New Zealand

Briefing titles: Local Government

Aide Memoire: Meeting with Veolia 15 May 2024

6-monthly stakeholder meeting with Taituara, 14 April 2024

Draft Bill 2 and draft Cabinet Legislation Committee Paper

Advertising and Timeline for Appointments to the Taumata Arowai Māori Advisory Group, Te Puna

Local Government Status Report WE 2 May 2024

Watercare decisions

Planning and accountability for local government water service providers – further details on proposal

Nominations and Interview Panel for Taumata Arowai Board Appointments

Stormwater services - future management arrangements

Local Government Status Report WE 9 May 2024

Taumata Arowai draft Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations and proposed response

Cabinet Legislation Committee paper and Bill 2 – Approval for lodgement

Local Government Status Report WE 16 May 2024

Bill 3 - remaining policy decisions for stage 1 Cabinet paper

Water service delivery vehicles – pricing and charging

Local Government Status Report WE 23 May 2024

Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill: Introduction and first reading

Meeting with Tūwharetoa Iwi Crown Accord

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: Final responses to the Standard Estimates Questionnaire

Wastewater standards – Amendments to the Water Services Act

Bill 3: Legislative options for functions and powers relating to infrastructure and local authority regulatory powers

Local Government Status Report WE 30 May 2024

Meeting with the Mayor of Queenstown Glyn Lewers

Tolling Background in New Zealand

Electoral Omnibus Bill: Approval of Draft Select Committee Initial Briefing

Response to the Regulations Review Committee’s letter regarding Government response to Inquiry into bylaws

Order in Council to give effect to final proposal for reorganisation between Kawerau and Whakatane Districts

Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill: First reading speech and related documents

Draft Cabinet paper for ministerial consultation - Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction

Supporting the Government’s resource management reform goals

Background on changes to Local Legislation Bills in the Standing Orders 2023

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: FEC draft responses and GAC (or SSCC) hearing preparation

Targeted rate reserves

Overseas voting in local elections

Estimates 2024/25 – draft responses to supplementary questions from Governance and Administration Committee

Final Cabinet paper – Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction

Briefing titles: Racing

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: FEC draft responses and GAC (or SSCC) hearing preparation

Estimates 2024/25 – draft responses to supplementary questions from Governance and Administration Committee

Racing Safety Development Fund-Funding decisions round two 2023/24

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: Final responses to the Standard Estimates Questionnaire

Racing Integrity Board: 2024 appointments

Briefing titles: Digitising Government

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: Final responses to the Standard Estimates Questionnaire

DG Minister Status Report - 10 May 2024

Estimates 2024/25 – draft responses to supplementary questions from Governance and Administration Committee

Minister Collins at DigiGov Leaders Summit 22 May 2024

2024/25 Examination of Estimates: FEC draft responses and GAC (or SSCC) hearing preparation

DG Minister Status Report WE 26 April 2024

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 01 April to 30 April 2024

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund - March 2024

Meeting with Makes Sense 11 April

Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons: developing proposals to expand the terms of reference

Fire and Emergency New Zealand: options to address inadequate conduct complaints process

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 4 April 2024

Chief Archivist's 2022/23 annual report on the state of government recordkeeping

Meeting with the Chair of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board on 11 April 2024

Proactive release of the Cabinet paper on approval to consult on levy rates for Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Fire and Emergency New Zealand: Quarter Two 2023/24 report and Eke Taumata progress report for the six months ending 31 December 2023

Fire and Emergency levy: oral item to Cabinet Economic Policy Committee on 10 April 2024

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board Appointments: Draft Cabinet paper

Release of submissions received on the discussion document: Safer Online Services and Media Platforms

Briefing to Delegate Minister - Introduction to Citizenship

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 11 April 2024

Commencement briefing: appointment of the Deputy Chief Censor

Chatham Islands Livestock Issues: talking points for Cabinet

Page turn for the Suffrage Petition - Invitation to the Minister

Decision on the Progression of Recommendation 41 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry report into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques

Minutes of the Te Puna Tahua Lottery Grants Board meeting 3 April 2024

Policy proposals for changes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Prescribed Information) Regulations 1995

Office of Film and Literature Classification – Review of Second Quarterly report 2023/24

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 18 April 2024

Meeting with officials on Monday, 22 April, 4:15pm: Online casino gambling regulatory design

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 24 April 2024

Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund - April 2024

The Guardians and LIAC - Commencement of the 2024 appointments round

Meeting with officials on Wednesday, 1 May, 3:30pm: Online casino gambling regulatory design (#2)

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

National Volunteer Week and Big Shout-Out Campaign Overview

Proactive release of Cabinet material and submissions for charities appeals regulations

Visit with Tairawhiti Civil Defence

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 11 April 2024

Visit with Volunteer Great Lakes Taupō

Communications and Engagement Plan for Caucus - Big Shout-out Campaign

Independent External Review for Hawkes Bay CDEM: key findings concerning volunteering

Te Puna Tahua Lottery Grants Board induction 29 April 2024

Ministerial Reporting for the period 1 January to 31 March 2024

Briefing titles: Digitising Government

Proactive release of the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Cabinet paper and associated material

DG Minister Status report - WE 5 April 2024

Advice on the Public Service Commission’s Cabinet paper

Proactive release of the accelerating the digitising of government Cabinet paper and associated minutes

Ministerial Reporting for the period 1 January to 31 March 2024

Public Service Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework approvals

Cabinet Paper for Lodgement - Accelerating the digitising of government services

Briefing titles: Racing

Fiscally Neutral Adjustment for Offshore Betting Charges

Greyhound Racing Next Steps

Racing Status Report Week Ending 18 April 2024

Ministerial Reporting for the period 1 January to 31 March 2024


Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 01 March to 31 March 2024

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Transfer of Netsafe contracting and funding arrangements with the department of Internal Affair

Cover Briefing – Final Cabinet paper: Proposals for Exemptions to the Fire and Emergency Levy

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care: talking points for the Cabinet Social Outcomes Committee Minister

Final responses to post-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Meeting on 27 March 2024 with the Taxpayers’ Union about Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Appeal of Judicial Review

Draft Crown entity letters of expectation for 2024/25

Aide Memoire for Meeting with InternetNZ

Developing an Internal Affairs policy work programme for 2024/25

Cyclone Gabrielle Trust

Summit for Democracy - AI, Digital Technology and Democracy

Final Cabinet paper: Approval to Consult on Rates for the Fire and Emergency Levy

Authorising additional private sector organisations to use the RealMe Identity Verification Service.

Chatham Islands meeting regarding shipping outages and livestock issues

Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons: next steps for expanding the terms of reference

Commencement briefing for the Film and Literature Board of Review 2024 appointment rounds

2023 Digital Violent Extremism Transparency Report

Briefing on the Makes Sense Petition to Mandate and Expand the Digital Child Exploitation Filter System

Overview of Regulatory Models for Discussion on Online Gambling

Proposed amendments to the Citizenship Guidance Document

Draft Cabinet paper: Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons: oral item at Cabinet

Public release of the 2023 Digital Messaging Transparency report

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 28 March 2024

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 21 March 2024

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 14 March 2024

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 7 March 2024

Communication of Fire and Emergency levy decisions

Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund - March 2024

Briefing titles: Racing

Appointment of Racing Integrity Board Chairperson: Talking Points for APH 19 March 2024

Appointment to the Racing Integrity Board – decision on nominations

Racing Integrity Board Chairperson – Letter of appointment


Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 1 March 2024 to 31 March 2024

Briefing titles: Digitising Government

Event briefing for meeting with ASB on 14 March 2024

Letter to the Minister of Finance about Digitsing Government portfolio baseline cost savings

Final responses to post-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Talking points on the Commerce Commission Report into Personal Banking

DG Minister Status Report - 22 March 2024

DG Minister Status Report - 8 March 2024
Baseline cost savings discussion with MoF
Accelerating the digitising of government services
Digital Idenitity Services Trust Framework Consultation Plan


Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

System Influence and Levers

Aide memoire: – Minister’s meeting with Aotea CLDP

Aide memoire: Minister’s meeting with the National COGS Committee

Aide memoire: The Minister’s meeting with Ākina Foundation, Community Networks Aotearoa, NZ Council of Christian Social Services and Social Service Providers Aotearoa.

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 14 March 2024

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 28 March 2024

Aide memoire: Minister’s meeting with Volunteering New Plymouth

Final responses to post-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Final Cabinet paper on policy proposals for regulations to enable appeals to the Taxation and Charities Review Authority

Meeting with Happiness House

Meeting with Te Korowai Trust

Briefing titles: Local Government

LGNZ Combined Sector Meeting

Request to join Edgecumbe litigation as an interested party *joint briefing w/ MfE
Local Government Status Report WE 4 April 2024

Examination of Estimates 24/25 – hearing support options

Meeting with DPMC officials on critical infrastructure resilience on 10 April 2024

Proactive Release of Cabinet material related to the Government response to the Justice Committee’s Inquiry into the 2022 Local Elections

Further policy decisions for electoral omnibus bill

Tauranga Commission’s quarterly report, draft press release and timeline towards Tauranga City Council’s transition to democracy

Amending the Non-Financial Performance Measure Rules

Meeting with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu

Call for nominations for the 2024 Local Government Commission appointment round

Local Government Status Report WE 11 April 2024

Agreement to proactive release of Cabinet material and public communications relating to the Rates Rebates adjustment 2024/25

Appointments Required for the Taumata Arowai Māori Advisory Group

Resilient Westport: Announcing drawdown of funds for structural flood protection

Review of DIA’s Orders in Council under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Act 2023

Upcoming Watercare decisions

Draft Bill 2 consultation with key stakeholders and approach to Bill 3 Cabinet papers

Water service delivery vehicles – initial advice

Minimum requirements for ringfencing water service

Local Government Status Report WE 18 April 2024

Description of the Rates Rebates Scheme: enactment, uptake and administration

Possible Approach for engagement with Māori on Local Water Done Well

Proactive release of Cabinet material related to the Government Response to the Report of the Regulations Review Committee on Inquiry into bylaws

Pre-recorded speech for Keynote address to Stormwater Conference

Meeting with the Tauranga Commission Chair Anne Tolley

Water Services Regulatory Systems Operating Model

Annual Review Debate – Draft Hearing Pack

Seeking amendment to the infringement provisions in the Water Services Act 2021

Bay of Plenty Mayoral Forum 3 May 2024

Meeting with Mayor Ben Bell, Gore District Council

Meeting with Te Arawa River Iwi Trust, 3 May 2024

Local Government Status Report WE 25 April 2024

Local Government Status Report WE 7 March 2024

Local Government Status Report WE 14 March 2024

Local Government Status Report WE 21 March 2024

Proactive Release of Cabinet Paper - 100-day Plan Repeal of the Water Services Entities Act

LGNZ Rural and Provisional Sector & LGNZ Metro Sector meetings

Visit to Tauranga on 13 March 2024

Draft Cabinet paper for feedback – Local Water Done Well stage 2: establishing the framework and transitional arrangements

LGNZ Zone 3 Meeting - Speech and QAs

Water Services Acts Repeal Bill - Cabinet Papers for Proactive Release by 20 March 2024

Draft Cabinet paper, for agreement to lodge – Local Water Done Well stage 2

Aide Memoire: Meeting with Bruce Holland from Parkinson & Holland and the NZ Trade & Industrial Waters Forum (NZTIWF)

Meeting with Mark Butcher CEO and the LGFA Board

Wellington Mayoral Forum - 22 March 2024

Aide Memoire: Minister meeting with Mayor Craig Jepson on 21 March 2024

Update on Taumata Arowai Board Appointments

Local Government Commission: Meeting with the Chair of the Commission and 2024 appointments

Local Government Act 2002 Amendment

Local Government Status Report WE 28 March 2024

Meeting with Richard Templer, CEO of Engineering NZ

Bill 3: Local Government Water Services Bill scope and process

Mayoral Forum 4 April

Monthly meeting with LGNZ on 3 April 2024

Draft Cabinet paper – 2024/25 annual adjustment to the Rates Rebate Scheme

Aide Memoire Visit to Tauranga on 13 March 2024

Regulations for natural hazard information in LIMs

Tauranga City Council election: Issuing an Order in Council under section 266 of the Electoral Act

Notes for meeting with Minister for Seniors, Hon Casey Costello

Final responses to post-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Briefing titles: Racing

Financial sustainability of the racing industry

Speech for presenting TIES (Thoroughbreds in Equestrian Sport)* Award

Final responses to post-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Racing Status Report Week Ending 14 March 2024

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 1 January 2024 to 29 February 2024

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

2024 March Baseline Update for Vote Internal Affairs

Commencement briefing for the Film and Literature Board of Review 2024 appointment rounds

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 29 February 2024

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 22 February 2024

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 15 February 2024

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 1 February 2024

Fire and Emergency Part 3 Levy Exemptions

Options for ownership of the Waitangi Wharf

Proposals for the 2024 Legislation Programme

Meeting with the Minister for Media and Communications about the content regulation review

Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund Briefing - February 2024

Cover Briefing – Proposals for Exemptions to the Fire and Emergency Levy

Cover Briefing – Approval to consult on levy rates

Aide memoire for your meeting with the Classification Office

Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons - proactive release of documents related to public consultation on expanding the terms of reference

Meeting on 29 February 2024 with Property Council New Zealand

Introduction to Digital Safety Operations: Key Risks and Opportunities

Visit to the National Library, He Tohu and Archives New Zealand, 28 February 2024

Meeting with the Chair of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in Care

Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons: process for appointing a new member

Draft Cabinet paper: Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care: Extension of Time

Online Gambling Further Information

Royal Commission into Abuse in Care: update on progress

Proposed changes to the BDMRR (Prescribed Information) Regulations 1995

Meeting with Lotto New Zealand on 14 February 2024

Briefing titles: Local Government
Local Government New Zealand Zone 5&6 (South Island councils) Conference

Ministerial Inquiry into Land use in Tairāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa (MILU)

Meeting with Mayor Brown 1 March 2024

Rates rebate scoping meeting with officials

Responding to the Future for Local Government Review

Meeting with Sandra Faulkner, Board member, Federated Farmers

Timelines to move forward with the 2024/25 Rates Rebates Scheme adjustment process

Meeting with Mayor Moko Tepania and Guy Holroyd

Final Cabinet paper: Government response to the Justice Committee’s report on its inquiry into the 2022 local elections

2024 March Baseline Update for Vote Internal Affairs – Local Government Appropriations

Local Government Commission: Commencement briefing for the 2024 appointments round

Department of Internal Affairs Annual Review 2022/23 Local Government Position Statements

Meeting with Mayor Campbell Barry, Daran Ponter, and Hon Chris Bishop

Tauranga City Council Commission report – quarter ended 31 December 2023

Draft Cabinet paper for Ministerial consultation: Local Government Amendment Bill

Proposed Design and next steps for the Taumata Arowai Levy

Water Services Acts Repeal Bill: overview of House stages

Local Government Legislative Bids and Priority Rankings for the 2024 Legislative Programme

Draft Cabinet paper: Tauranga Commission and transition to democracy

2024/25 Inflation Adjustment to the Rates Rebate Scheme

Final responses to pre-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Local Water Done Well Technical Advisory Group – new member appointment

Meeting with Nick Leggett, CEO Infrastructure NZ

Scoping a City and Regional Deals framework

Proposed Government Response to the Inquiry into Bylaws Report

Revision to the Water Services Acts Repeal Bill – Approval to lodge

Marae and Papakāinga Rural Water Services Technical Advisory Group statement

Chatham Islands All of Government Work Programmes Briefing

2025 Elections: Scope and process for Local Electoral Omnibus Bill

Meeting between Minister Brown and Minister Bayly on 1 February 2024

Water Services Legislation Repeal Bill and Cabinet Paper– Approval to lodge

Notes for meeting with Mayors Nick Smith (Nelson City Council) and Tim King (Tasman District Council)

Proposed Government response to the Justice Committee’s report on its inquiry into the 2022 local elections

Local Water Done Well Technical Advisory Group – appointments and Terms of Reference

Wellington drinking water supply – request for information

Appointment of Water Services Policy Technical Advisory Group

Departmental and Ministerial consultation for the draft Water Services Legislation Repeal Bill and draft Cabinet Legislation Committee paper

Meeting with Sam Broughton 19 January 2024

Local government stakeholders and engagement strategy for 2024

Proactive release of the Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Local Government

2025 elections: options for legislation and impacts of potential changes

Budget 2024 Baseline Reduction Exercise for Vote Internal Affairs – Local Government portfolio

Additional information about the local government portfolio and priorities letter to the Prime Minister

XL Bully dogs in New Zealand

Ombudsman Investigation - complaint from Garth Mathieson concerning a decision of the former Minister under the Official Information Act 1982

Options for the Local Government NZ Heads of Agreement and funding agreement

Water Services Policy Technical Advisory Group – scope and establishment process

Setting priorities for the local government portfolio (2024-2026)

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Community Organisation Grants Scheme further information and National COGS Committee Annual Report

Introduction to volunteering

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 25 January 2024

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 18 January 2024

Proactive release of the Briefing to the Incoming Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector

Final responses to pre-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 15 February 2024

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 8 February 2024

Final policy proposals for regulations to enable appeals to the Taxation and Charities Review Authority

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 22 February 2024>

Aide memoire: Visit to community-led development partner – Fab Feathy

CVS Status Report and Work Programme WE 29 February 2024

Briefing titles: Digitising Government

Draft Cabinet Paper for Ministerial consultation: Accelerating the digitising of government services.

Proactive release of Introductory Briefings to the Minister of Digitising Government

Cabinet paper for lodgement: Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act 2023: approval to develop regulations

Ministerial reporting for period July 1 2023 to 31 Dec 2023

Key digital modernisation programmes in the public service>

Memorandums of Understanding with strategic suppliers>

Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Board and Māori Advisory Group

2024 March Baseline Update for Vote Internal Affairs – Digitising Government Appropriations

Cost savings and re-prioritisation paper for Minister

Annual Review: Opening statement and hot topics

Data and Digital Ministers Meeting, 22- 23 February, Sydney Australia

Final responses to pre-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

AM for meeting with Data Iwi Leaders Group

System-level report on privacy maturity in the public service

Digitising Government portfolio targets: response to request from the Prime Minister

Shared approach to back-office transformation>

Digitising Government portfolio priorities: response to request from the Prime Minister

AI Talking Points Newstalk ZB 24th Jan 2024

Budget 2024 Baseline Reduction Exercise for Vote Internal Affairs – Digitising Government portfolio

Briefing for Proactive Release of T1 BIM Dec 2023

Proposed Digitising Government targets – for the Prime Minister’s targets to drive delivery across core public services

Briefing titles: Racing

Baseline Reduction Exercise for Vote Internal Affairs – Racing portfolio

TAB NZ Board of Directors: Recruitment and appointment process

Racing portfolio priorities

Proactive release of the Briefing to Incoming Minister for Racing

Meeting with Mayor of Chatham Islands

Final responses to pre-hearing questions for 2022/23 Annual Review

2024 March Baseline Update for Vote Internal Affairs – Racing Appropriations

Racing Status Report Week Ending 15 February 2024

Draft Racing portfolio position statements for 2022/23 Annual Review

Proposal for the 2024 Legislation Programme

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 July 2023 to 10 September 2023

Briefing titles: Local Government

Meeting with Daran Ponter, Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair, and Peter Scott, Environment Canterbury Chair, on 19 July 2023

Local Government New Zealand SuperLocal Conference 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 13 July 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 27 July 2023

Follow-up with Wairarapa Mayors on Order in Council for three-year long-term plans for cyclone-affected councils

Meeting with Jenn Hooper, 24 July 2022

Talking Points for Cabinet Legislation Committee on 27 July 2023: Approval to introduce voting age Bill

Waikato-Tainui Kiingitanga Accord 21 July

Meeting with the Tauranga City Council Commission July 2023

Proactive release of Cabinet decisions relating to voting age

Final Cabinet paper on Tauranga elections decisions

Water Services Entities Amendment Bill – 2nd Reading Speech and other documents

Meeting with Te Tumu Paeroa on 18 July on Cyclone Gabrielle impact on whenua Mâori in the Hawke’s Bay

Updated: Process and Timeline for Preparing the Asset Management Plan and Funding and Pricing Plan for the Northland and Auckland Water Services Entity

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill– Third reading materials

Final Cabinet paper: Approval to introduce the Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill – Third reading materials

Draft LEG paper for Ministerial consultation – Local Government Electoral Amendment Regulations 2023

Water Services Reform - Establishment Water Services Plans – Draft Initial Plan

Order in Council to give effect to the reorganisation scheme for boundary alterations between Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City

Local Government Status Report WE 3 August 2023
Local Government Status Report WE 17 August 2023
Local Government Status Report WE 24 August 2023
Local Government Status Report WE 31 August 2023
Te Hiku Taumata Rangatira Hui
Progress on the Draft Initial Funding and Pricing Plan for the Wai Tāmaki ki te Hiku
Severe weather recovery: Draft Cabinet paper on the Long-term plan Order for Ministerial approval
Estimates Debate 2023 pack
Aide Memoire for PSA Quarterly Meeting
Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill: first reading materials
Approval to send draft Order in Council to the Review Panel
Draft Cabinet paper- Severe weather recovery: Preparation of an OiC to suspend the requirements for Auckland Council to complete a long-term plan amendment before making FOSAL offers
Resilient Westport: next release of funds for future-focussed measures
Options to address the expected undersubscription to commercial grants for sediment and debris management in the Hawke’s Bay
Approval to send draft Order in Council to Review Panel
Final LEG paper – Local Electoral Amendment Regulations 2023
Land Access Provisions – Water NZ Issues
Addressing the expected undersubscription to commercial grants for sediment and debris management in the Hawke’s Bay
Local Government Status Report WE 7 September 2023
Draft Cabinet Legislation Committee paper: Clarification of consultation requirements for specified councils (SWERLA OIC)

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

 Ministerial Satisfaction Survey – 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023
 Racing Status Report WE 13 July 2023
 Racing Status Report WE 27 July 2023
 Approval of the Racing Integrity Board’s 2023/24 budget and tabling of the Statement of Intent
 Resignation of TAB New Zealand Board Chair and appointment of interim Chair
Racing Status Report WE 10 August 2023
Meeting with Phil Holden, Chair of Harness Racing New Zealand
Racing Status Report WE 24 August 2023
Proactive Release of Racing Cabinet Papers and Briefings
Racing Status Report WE 7 September 2023

Back to top

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 April 2023 to 10 July 2023

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 13 April 2023

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 27 April 2023

Update on Community Hubs work programme

Reassessment of CVS Legislation Bid 2023

Charities Amendment Bill – Second Reading Package

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 11 May 2023

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 25 May 2023

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board appointments for three positions

Charities Amendment Bill: Committee of the whole House materials

Supplementary Order Paper on Charities Amendment Bill – Minor amendments

Update on work programme priorities May 2023

Charities Registration Board Chair

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Appointments Draft APH Paper

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 8 June 2023

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 22 June 2023

Charities Amendment Bill: third reading speech and supporting information

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board Appointments: Talking Points

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board: Documentation to finalise appointments

Supplementary Order Paper on Charities Amendment Bill – Minor drafting amendment

Proactive release of Briefing Titles: 11 May 2023 to 10 July 2023

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 18 May 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 25 May 2023

Meeting with the Christchurch Casino CE, Brett Anderson

Meeting with the Problem Gambling Foundation

Policy decisions on Fire and Emergency’s transitional levy

Documents to finalise the appointment of the Chief Gambling Commissioner and a Gambling Commissioner

Final Cabinet paper: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Registering Nominated Sex) Regulations 2023

Classification Office third quarter report 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 1 June 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 8 June 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 15 June 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 22 June 2023

Approval to lodge the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2023

Proactive release Cabinet Paper Regulations addressing harm minimisation in Class 4 gambling venues, and associated infringement regulations

Lottery Distribution Committees – Reappointment documents briefing

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board decision briefing for the 2023 appointment round

Meeting with Lotto NZ Chair and Chief Executive, 26 June 2023

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Accountability Documents

Fire and Emergency: Ministerial consultation on the transitional levy rate increase

Self-identification regulations: update on sex and gender markers consultation

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board Appointment: Talking points

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board: Documentation to finalise appointment

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: draft Letter of Expectations for the Chair for 2023/2024

Pōwhiri to commence the high-level redress design process on 19 June

Film and Literature Board of Review Cabinet Honours and Appointment Committee Paper for Approval to Lodge

Proactive release of Cabinet paper Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration (Registering Nominated Sex) Regulations 2023 and associated materials

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 29 June 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 6 July 2023

Office of Film and Literature Classification: Letter of Expectations 2023/24 and Statement of Performance Expectations 2023/24

Office of Film and Literature Classification – Financial Sustainability

Film and Literature Board of Review: Documentation for Governor-General to sign

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Statement of Intent 2023-2027 and Statement of Performance Expectations 2023/24

Agreement to publish the Cabinet paper Gambling (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2023 and related Cabinet minute

Briefing titles: Racing

Racing Status Report WE 8 June 2023

Supporting materials for the announcement of TAB NZ partnership arrangement with Entain, TAB NZs online monopoly and the release of the Racing Industry Boards report into the greyhound racing industry

TAB NZ’s proposed partnering Agreement with Entain -Talking Points for DEV 17 May 2023

Meeting with SPCA

Draft Cabinet paper for ministerial consultation: Racing Industry (Negotiations relating to Transfer of Surplus Venue) Regulations 2023

Speech for opening of the NZTR Thoroughbred Welfare Forum 2023

Final Cabinet Paper for your approval: Racing Industry (Negotiations for Transfer of Surplus Venue) Regulations 2023

TAB New Zealand Board and Racing Integrity Board membership

Next steps for extending TAB NZ’s legislated monopoly to online racing and sports betting


Proactive release of Briefing Titles: 11 January to 10 April 2023

Briefing titles: Local Government

Request for approval to advise Select Committee on the New Plymouth District Council (Perpetual Investment Fund) Bill

Chatham Islands Tourism bid

Aide Memoire: Ministerial Forum with the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board

Three Waters Reform: Aide Memoire Citycare Water Meeting

Response to letter from Mayor Brown on Auckland priorities

Three Waters Reform: Systems of record cabinet paper and business case

Aide memoire request: Stormwater Conference

Westport flood resilience proposal: Next steps

Final Cabinet paper – Lowering the voting age for local elections – differentiated age limits

Release of the 2022 local authority election statistics

Three Waters Reform: Shared services in a ten entity model

Update and revised approach on Tātai Aronga

Update on Aotearoa Reorua – Bilingual Towns and Cities

Severe weather recovery: Policy approvals for Tranche one of local government Orders in council

Approval to upload the Updated Cabinet Legislation Committee paper and Agreement to release Cabinet material and additional documents relating to the Rates Rebates Order 2023/24

Information to support the Local Government Annual Review Debate

Three Waters Reform: PM visiting Mayor Mauger in Christchurch - 28 April 2023

Three Waters Reform: Citycare Water in the new water services environment

Aide Memoire Request: Minister meeting with Mayor Wayne Brown 19 April

Local Government Resourcing Needs

Information briefing – Voting age inquiry submissions

Tauranga City Council Commission report - quarter ended 31 March 2023

Aide Memoire Request: Successful Delivery of the Three Waters Stimulus Programme

Summary of new water services reform policy

Te Puna Board appointments - update and short list of candidates

Three Waters Reform: Auckland Council letter regarding water reform refocus

Draft Cabinet paper for feedback – Refocusing the water services reforms: further decisions

Draft Cabinet paper for ministerial consultation – Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill: Approval for tabling Supplementary Order Paper

Severe weather recovery: Cabinet paper for Ministerial consultation on Tranche One of local government Orders in Council

Proposed amendments for inclusion in the 2023 Statutes Amendment Bill

Draft Cabinet paper – Lowering the voting age for local elections – differentiated age limits

Zone 3 meeting on 27 April 2023

Visit to Carterton District Council on 26 April 2023

Zone 5 and 6 meeting on 21 April 2023

Te Maruata meeting on 26 April 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 27 April 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 20 April 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 13 April 2023

Register of Development Contribution Commissioners reappointments: Documentation to finalise reappointments

Local Government Status Report WE 04 May 2023

Local Government New Zealand regular meeting

Aide Memoire: PSA Local Government Delegates’ Conference

Meeting with Canterbury Mayoral Forum on 11 May 2023

DRAFT Water Service Entities: ‘Corporate Systems and Operational Technology’ Detailed Business Case and Cabinet paper

Draft Cabinet paper and discussion document: Lake Taupō fees review 2023

LGNZ Combined Sector meeting on 25 May 2023

​Aide memoire request: Combined Sector meeting on 25 May

Three Waters Reform: Update on NTU engagement at Regional Fieldays

Meeting with the Future for Local Government Review Panel on 30 May 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 11 May 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 18 May 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 25 May 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 01 June 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 08 June 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 15 June 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 22 June 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 29 June 2023

Building Nations 2023 Conference

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill – materials for second reading

Additional advice on quorum and remote participation in council meetings

Draft Water Services Entities Amendment Bill and draft Cabinet Legislation Committee Paper – for departmental and ministerial consultation

Taumata Arowai SPE and proposed response

Appointment to Te Puna board for position expiring May 2023

Water Services Entity Financing options

Confidential - Supporting points for Cabinet on 15 May 2023

Approval to send draft Order in Council to the Review Panel

Water Services Reform Programme Implementation Planning (TBC)

Final Cabinet paper – Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill – approval to table Supplementary Order Paper

Crown intervention in local authorities

Three Waters Reform Aide memoire for Te Maruata meeting

Final documentation — appointments to the Māori Advisory Group Te Puna

Three Waters Reform Draft Water Services Entities Amendment Bill and draft Cabinet Legislation Committee Paper – approval to lodge

Four visits on 24 May 2023 to Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Tauranga City Council Commission, and Tauranga Māori Business Association

Three Waters Reform Water Services Legislation Bill - Select Committee report back

Three Waters Reform Water Services Entities Amendment Bill - Introduction and first reading pack

Westport flood resilience proposal: implementing the next steps

Hawke's Bay Regional Visit

Central-Local Government Forum Plenary Session 2023

Meeting with the NZCTU Steering Group

Draft Cabinet paper: Cross-party engagement on voting age Bill

Package in support of the Future for Local Government Review’s final report release

Three Waters Reform Rural Drinking Water Programme Update

2023 Local Government Funding Agency Taituarā Local Government Excellence Awards and Gala Dinner

Federated Farmers meeting, 7 June 2023

Three Waters Reform Drawdown of Tagged Contingency Funds for Transition

Te Rūnanga Reo hui, 8 June 2023

Three Waters Reform Committee recommendations on the management of urban watercourses with a stormwater function

Review of the guiding principles for Ministerial intervention in a local authority published in the New Zealand Gazette

Proactive release – Report back on a framework for a national network of high specification public bathroom facilities

2023 LGFA Taituarā Local Government Excellence Awards award presentation - 8 June at TSB Arena

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill – materials for committee of the whole House

Three Waters Reform Update on the Water Services Entity Establishment Boards

Meeting with Local Government Commission, 20 June 2023

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill –materials for committee of the whole House

Prime Minister’s meeting with the Gisborne Mayor, Rehette Stoltz, on 8 June 2023

Three Waters Reform: Options to enable nationally consistent collective bargaining during entity establishment period

Local Government Business Forum meeting, 21 June 2023

Water Services Reform Cabinet Paper for Lodgement: Water Services Entities Corporate Systems and Operational Technology Detailed Business Case

Water Services Reform Briefing note - Final documentation – Appointment to Te Puna

Severe weather recovery: Policy approvals for a three-year Long Term Plan and waived audit requirements for eight local authorities (tentative)

Information briefing - Summary of Submissions – Justice Committee Inquiry into the 2022 Local Elections

LGNZ meeting, 22 June 2023

PM at the LGNZ Conference 27 July 2023

Westport Flood Resilience: letter of expectations for steering group

Water Services Reform - Speaking notes on Corporate Systems and Operational Technology Cabinet paper for DEV on 21 June 2023.

Water Service Reform Further information on Entity A Establishment Board

Next steps after the Tauranga Commission's term ends in July 2024

Water Services Reform - Water Services Entities Amendment Bill - Initial briefing

Water Services Entity A Establishment Board appointment: draft Cabinet paper

Meeting with Te Tumu Paeroa on Cyclone Gabrielle impact on whenua Māori in the Hawke’s Bay

Support material for DEV on 28 June 2023 – Refocusing the water services reforms: implementation

Water Services Reform - Meeting with Taumata Arowai 28 June 2023

Meeting with Masterton, Carterton, and South Wairarapa District Council Mayors, 29 June 2023

Order in Council to replace the 2024 Long Term Plan with a three-year plan for seven local authorities

Water Services Legislation Bill - Options for supplementary order paper

PR Cabinet Minute and Cabinet Legislation Committee Paper to support the introduction of the Water Services Entities Amendment Bill

Training and retention in the water services sector – paper from the water workers

Water Services Reform - Briefing on Corporate Systems and Operational Technology Cabinet paper for Cabinet on 3 July 2023

Water Services Entities Constitution Development for the Northland Auckland Water Services Entity: Update and next steps

Water Services Reform - Meeting with Raukawa Settlement Trust, 5 July 2023

Tauranga elections dates and response to Tauranga Commissioners

Local Government Status Report WE 6 July 2023

Water Services Reform - Process and timeline for preparing the Asset Management Plan and Funding and Pricing Plan for the Northland and Auckland Water Services Entity

Meeting the immediate recovery needs of councils

Talking points for EWR on 31 May: Future of severely affected location

Accelerating the distribution of the local government resilience co-investment fund

Register of Development Contribution Commissioners: Commencement of the appointment process for 2023

Plan for business case and approvals of corporate services and operational technology (non-SoR) ICT for water services entities.

Three Waters Reform: Request to Extend the Expiry Date of the Tagged Contingency

Water services entities constitutions

Local Government Status Report WE 19 January 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 26 January 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 02 February 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 09 February 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 16 February 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 23 February 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 02 March 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 09 March 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 16 March 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 23 March 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 30 March 2023

Meeting with Tai Tokerau Councils

Final Update on the LGNZ Vote 2022 Campaign

Three Waters Reform: Future ownership and operation options for council-owned mixed-use rural supplies

Draft Cabinet Paper - Register of Development Contribution Commissioner reappointments

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill - materials for second reading

Register of Development Contribution Commissioners: Letter to extend commissioner terms of office

Ministerial Satisfaction Survey for 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022

Policy briefing: Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill- Committee of the Whole House

Proactive release of cabinet material about an oral item at Cabinet Priorities Committee on 18 October 2022

Three Waters Reform: Water Services Legislation Bill – Initial briefing

Three Waters Programme Status Update – January 2023

Budget 23: Update and timing of Cabinet policy decisions

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill: Initial briefing and talking points for select committee

Three Waters Reform: Amending local authority long-term plans during the establishment period for the water services entities

Aide memoire request Meeting with Wairoa Mayor (Craig Little)

Final documentation – appointments to the Taumata Arowai Board

Rural and Provincial sector meeting on 1 and 2 March 2023

Aide memoire: Minister meeting with Alan Sutherland

Briefing 2 Entity scenarios revised for Ministerial meeting

LGNZ Zone 2 Meeting on 17 March 2023

Update on Three Waters Litigation

Cyclone Gabrielle – Supporting local government into recovery

Proactive release of Briefing to Incoming Minister of Local Government

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill implementation implications

2023/24 Inflation adjustment to the Rates Rebates Scheme

Draft Cabinet paper for review and consultation – Te Puna Reappointment

TCC Commissioner report – quarter ended 31 December 2022

Signature for the Bay of Plenty RMA Policy and Plans Protocol 2023

Young Elected Members Committee hui

Meeting with Mayor Neil Brown on 28 March 2023

Aide Memoire for the Future Proof Implementation Committee meeting on Thursday 9 March 202

Meeting with Taumata Arowai on 16 March 2023

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill – regulatory relief in response to cyclone Gabrielle

LGNZ meeting 15 March

Three Waters Programme Status Update – February 2023

Zone 1 meeting on 27 March 2023

Draft Cabinet Business Committee paper – Annual adjustment to the 2023-24 Rates Rebate Scheme

Te Maruata dinner on 22 March 2023

Drawdown and extension of the Taumata Arowai, New Crown Agent Regulator for Water Services tagged operating contingency

Three Waters Reform: Drawdown of Tagged Contingency Funds for Transition

Aide Memoire Request: Construction Sector Accord Ministers’ Meetings

Options for Progressing Legislative Amendments for Water Services Reform and Entities

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill draft departmental report

Briefing for New Plymouth District Council (Perpetual Investment Fund) Bill Departmental Report

The Water Services Legislation Bill draft departmental report - key themes and recommendations

Update on Queenstown local visitor levy local bill

Amended Second Reading Speech – Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill

Meeting with Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group 29 March 2023

Local Government Status Report WE 6 April 2023

Lowering the voting age for local elections – differentiated age limits

Approval to release draft Local Electoral Amendment Regulations 2023 to key local government stakeholders


Proactive release of Briefing Titles: 11 January 2022 to 10 April 2023

Briefing Titles: Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 15 December 2022

 Archives Council | Te Rua Wānanga: Commencement of the appointment process for 2023

 Ministerial Satisfaction Survey – 1 July to 31 December 2022

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 19 January 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 26 January 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 09 February 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 16 February 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 23 February 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 02 March 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 09 March 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report We 16 March 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 23 March 2023

 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 30 March 2023

Proposed Policy Work Programme for 2023

 Instrument for a loan to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

 Introduction to statutory inquiries and the current Royal Commissions of Inquiry

 Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill: Second Reading Materials

 Introduction to Fire and Emergency New Zealand policy and monitoring work

 Lotto NZ Special Purpose Lottery for cyclone relief

 HARC Quarterly report to 31 Dec 2022

 Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill: Committee of the whole House pack

 Lotto NZ Special Purpose Lottery fund for Cyclone Gabrielle relief and ministerial direction

 Proactive release of Briefing to Incoming Minister of Internal Affairs and Welcome to the Department of Internal Affairs

 Introduction to identity policy: key priorities for the next six months

 Proactive release of Cabinet papers related to the Royal Commission into COVID-19 lessons and preparation for a future pandemic

 Your responsibilities as part of the Government's response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019

 Cover briefing: Letter of appreciation for Presiding Member of the Lotteries Community Research Committee

 Introduction the gambling regulatory system

 Notification of a private bill to replace adoptive parents on birth certificate with birth parents

 Meeting with IA New Zealand

Meeting with Aliya Danzeisen, National Coordinator of the Islamic Women’s Council of New Zealand

 Infrastructure and Assets Review – draft report fiscal implications

Funding decisions on Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust

Third Reading Speech for Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill

 New Zealand Lottery Grants Board – commencement briefing
Proposed approach to surrogacy and adoption law reform
 Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care – extension of time
Draft Cabinet paper for Ministerial consultation: Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care – Extension of time

Meeting with Google on 29 March 2023

Archives Council – Te Rua Wānanga: Documents to complete reappointments

 Office of Film and Literature Classification - Review of Second Quarterly report 2022-23
 Final draft Cabinet paper for approval: Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care – Extension of time
 Roles and responsibilities relevant to Fire and Emergency New Zealand
 Fire and Emergency New Zealand: Draft Letter of Expectations
 Office of Film and Literature Classification – Review of Second Quarterly report 2022/23
 Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care – Extension of Time: talking points for the Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 6 April 2023

 Office of Film and Literature Classification: Draft Letter of Expectations
 Muriwai Landslide incident
 Proposed Candidate for appointment as Chief Gambling Commissioner
 Gambling (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2023
 Film and Literature Board of Review documents for preferred candidate selection
 Reassessment of Proposals for the 2023 Legislation Programme
 Fire and Emergency New Zealand Revised Statement of Performance Expectations 2022/23
 Internal Affairs Status Report WE 13 April 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 20 April 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 27 April 2023

Meeting with Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Proposed amendments for the 2023 Statutes Amendment Bill

Fire and Emergency Quarter Two Report 2022/23

Lottery distribution committees 2023 appointments round: APH talking points

Cover briefing: Cabinet paper for lodging: Regulations addressing harm minimisation in Class 4 gambling venues, and associated infringement regulations

Meeting with Heart Foundation on 30 March 2023

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 4 May 2023

IBANZ Meeting on 10 May 2023

Quarterly meeting with the Chief Censor, 3 May 2023

Briefing Titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

CVS Status Report WE 8 December 2022

 Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 16 February 2023
 Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 02 March 2023
 Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 16 March 2023
 Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 30 March 2023

Meeting with Hon Kelbin Davis on 14 February 2023

Appointments to the Winston Churchill memorial Trust Board: Commencement Briefing

Departmental Report on the Charities Amendment Bill

Briefing Titles: Racing

Ministerial Satisfaction Survey - 1 July to 31 December 2022

 Racing Status Report WE 02 February 2023

 Racing Status Report WE 16 February 2023

 Racing Status Report WE 02 March 2023

 Racing Status Report WE 16 March 2023

 TAB Board Appointment

 TAB NZ Board appointment letters

 Responding to TAB NZ’s Partnering Arrangement Proposal

 Proposed amendments to Racing Industry Act 2020 for inclusion in the 2023 Statutes Amendment Bill

 Meeting with Minister Grant Robertson & Cabinet Economic Development Committee

Two Draft Cabinet Papers for ministerial consultation: Statutory decision on the proposed partnership agreement and the release of Racing Integrity Board’s reports

TAB NZ’s proposed partnering arrangement with Entain

 Racing Status Report WE 13 April 2023
 Racing Status Report WE 27 April 2023


Proactive release of Briefing Titles: 11 December 2022  to 10 January 2023

Briefing Titles: Internal Affairs

Presentation to the House of Representatives: Fire and Emergency New Zealand Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2022

Electronic Identity Verification Amendment Regulations 2022: Proactive release of Cabinet documents

Proactive release of Cabinet material relating to the Report on Overseas Travel – Hon Jan Tinetti

Library and Information Advisory Commission: Documents to finalise (re)appointments

Meeting with the Chair and members of the Royal Commission into Lessons Learned from Aotearoa New Zealand’s Response to COVID-19 That Should Be Applied in Preparation for a Future Pandemic

Film and Literature Board of Review reappointment and appointments: talking points for the Cabinet Appointment and Honours Committee

Briefing – Revised letters of expectation to FENZ Board and Chair December 2022

Office of Film and Literature Classification – 2021/22 Annual Report

Proactive release of Cabinet papers related to the Royal Commission into COVID-19 lessons and preparation for a future pandemic

Briefing Titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Ministerial Satisfaction Survey - 1 July to 31 December 2022

Briefing Titles: Local Government

Rates Rebate cost of living adjustment

Departmental response to the recommendations received in the Planning Technical Working Group Report

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 15 December 2022

Setting strategic priorities for three waters services during the establishment phase

End of year report on Aotearoa Reorua and proposed Hui Taumata

Water Services Entities constitution development: Update and next steps

Designing three waters system stewardship arrangements – initial advice, proposed approach, and next steps

Request for approval to advise Select Committee on the Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Bills

Advice on modernising the bylaws regime

Update on Entity A choices for investment, borrowing and charges

 Back to top

Proactive release of Briefing Titles: 11 November to 10 December 2022

Briefing Titles: Internal Affairs

Lodgement of Cabinet paper: Study tour report back

Film and Literature Board of Review: Preferred candidate selection

Library and Information Advisory Commission: Draft Cabinet paper

Fire and Emergency New Zealand performance: Letter to the Board

Final Cabinet paper: Electronic Identity Verification Amendment Regulations 2022

Guardians Kaitiaki of the Alexander Turnbull Library: Documents to finalise appointment

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 17 November 2022

Repayable capital injection to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

IA Legislative bid 2023

Talking points for Cabinet 21 November 2022 paper Repayable capital injection to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Draft Cabinet paper: Establishment of the Royal Commission into New Zealand’s COVID-19 response and preparation for a future pandemic

Proposal for exemptions to the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Levy

Briefing for meeting with HARC Commissioners 23 November 2022

Next steps in the online gambling review

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 24 November 2022

Fire and Emergency New Zealand: Letter to Board Chair regarding repayable capital injection

Surrogacy law reform – implications for birth registration and citizenship systems

Briefing and Talking Points: Support for Fire and Emergency Collective Bargaining

Proposed regulations to underpin the self-identification process: Cabinet paper

Lotto meeting 5 December 2022

Meeting Jana Rangooni on 6 December 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 1 December 2022

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board: Appointment of new members

Deferring the Office of Film and Literature Classification fees review

Talking points to support Fire and Emergency New Zealand governance decisions at Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Internal Affairs

Talking points for your discussions with the Chair of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board on intended governance changes

Te Kawa Mataaho’s review of Fire and Emergency’s culture and complaints handling processes: Te Tari Taiwhenua’s actions, and material to support your press conference

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 8 December 2022

Fire and Emergency New Zealand: Report for quarter one 2022/23

Letters acknowledging resignations from the Fire and Emergency Board and the appointment of two new members

Briefing Titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Charities Amendment Bill – recap of stakeholder feedback on proposed policy changes

2023 Legislative Programme Bid for Charities Amendment Bill

CVS Status Report WE 24 November 2022

Charities Amendment Bill: Final Initial Briefing to Select Committee

Briefing Titles: Local Government

Advice to Minister on next Letter of Expectations

Water Services Entities Bill – materials for committee of the whole House and third reading materials

NZCTU National Affiliates Council - Te Rūnanga Hui, Wellington 24th November 2022

Taituarā Conference, 29 November 2022

Draft Cabinet paper for review and consultation – Taumata Arowai Board: Reappointment

Proposals for the 2023 Legislation Programme

Three Waters Reform: Tagged Contingency Update and Drawdown for Iwi/Māori Collectives Funding

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 17 November 2022

Meeting with Chairs of the Taumata Arowai Board and Te Puna on 22 November 2022

Infrastructure Funding and Financing System Project’s Stage Two package of proposals – Implications for local government work programme

Water Services Legislation Bill: supporting documents for introduction and first reading

Local Government Reforms Ministerial Group meeting on 7 December 2022

Climate Response Ministerial Group meeting on 29 November 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 24 November 2022

Meeting with Ōtorohanga District Council 29 November 2022

Meeting with Otago Regional Council, 29 November 2022

Three waters Programme Status Update - October 2022

First Te Maruata Hui after elections in Dec 2022

Agreement to lodge Cabinet paper – Appointment to the Taumata Arowai Board

Talking points for Local Government Reforms Ministerial Group meeting on 7 December 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 1 December 2022

Justice Cabinet paper – Further policy decisions on the Electoral (Voting Age) Legislation Bill

Talking points for APH on 7 December 2022 – Taumata Arowai Board reappointments

Three Waters reform: Engaging with post settlement governance entities about their Treaty settlements

Three Waters Programme Status Update - November 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 8 December 2022

Budget 23 – draft local government budget initiatives

Meeting with Chatham Islands Council

Prime Minister’s visit to Chatham Islands on 25 November 2022

Fee options for Lake Taupō fees review 2023

Meeting with Jamie Simmonds, Strengthening Grantham Project

LGOIMA Bill: First reading speech, legislative statement, and proactive release

Franz Josef Resilience Project: Update on funding approach

Lodging of Cabinet paper for approval of introduction of bill to amend LGOIMA

Meeting with Wellington Regional Council, 5 December 2022

Briefing Titles: Racing

Update on negotiations about Sports Minima Payments

Meeting with NZTR about thoroughbred welfare on 23 November 2022

Racing Status Report 24 November 2022

Racing Status Report 8 December 2022

 Back to top

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 August to 10 November 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 11 August 2022

Film and Video Labelling Body – proposed review of community representative appointments in 2022

Final documentation: Appointment of a members to the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board

Lotto NZ: Proposal for Game Changes

Minister’s meeting with Apple on Monday 22 August

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 18 August 2022

Meeting with TikTok General Manager and Director of Public Policy for New Zealand and Australia

Two options for progressing RCOI Recommendation 41 (amending the definition of ‘objectionable’)

Commencement briefing - Film and Literature Board of Review 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 25 August 2022

Study Trip Cabinet paper for your review

Briefing for meeting with HARC Chair 30 August 2022

Self-identification regulations: timing update

Draft Cabinet paper – Reducing Pokies Harm: Proposals to strengthen regulations

Meeting with Kate Hannah, Disinformation Project

Talking points on release of CRR discussion document for CBC on 5 September 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 1 September 2022

Final Cabinet paper for the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill

Summary of submissions on the self-identification regulations discussion document

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 8 September 2022

Museums Aotearoa meeting 15 September 2022

FENZ board meeting on 15 September 2022

Aide Memoire – Material to support your attendance at Kāpuia

Potential impact of different options for regulating online gambling on the sports and racing industry

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill: Introduction and First Reading Materials

Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 15 September 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 22 September 2022

Cabinet paper for lodging – Reducing Pokies Harm: Proposals to strengthen regulations

Meeting with United Fire Brigade Association

Authorising an additional private sector organisation to use the RealMe Identity Verification Service

Policy proposals for your approval: details of the self-identification process

Aide Memoire - Material to support your attendance at the launch event for the Content Regulatory Review discussion document on 28 September 2022

Guardians Kaitiaki of the Alexander Turnbull Library: Preferred candidate selection

Briefing pack – Content regulatory review Study Trip

Further advice to support consideration of an inquiry related to COVID-19

Options for age restrictions of Lotto NZ lottery products

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 29 September 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 6 October 2022

Guardians Kaitiaki of the Alexander Turnbull Library: Draft Cabinet paper

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill: Initial Briefing

Overseas surrogacy – an outstanding matter arising from the Law Commission’s report

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 13 October 2022

Update on surrogacy and adoption law reform

Lottery distribution committees 2022 appointments documents

Resignation of Commissioner Steenson overseeing HARC

Talking points for a meeting with the Chief Censor

Draft Cabinet paper: Electronic Identity Verification Amendment Regulations 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 20 October 2022

Release of Royal Commission of Inquiry reports relating to Lake Alice Hospital

Public release of the Reducing Pokies Harm submissions and summary report

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 27 October 2022

Draft Cabinet paper: Restricting online gambling in New Zealand

Library and Information Advisory Commission: Preferred candidate selection and proposed reappointment

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 3 November 2022

Meeting with class 4 Chairs

Proposed regulations to underpin the self-identification process: Draft Cabinet paper

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Levy) Amendment Bill: Departmental report

Film and Video Labelling Body - results of the review of community representative appointments 2022

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Quarterly Report to 30 September 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 10 November 2022

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Charities Amendment Bill – Draft Bill and Cabinet Legislation paper for Ministerial consultation

Advice on proactive release of volunteering oral item: Strengthening our Approach to Volunteering

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 18 August 2022

Appointment to the Charities Registration Board: Commencement briefing

Charities Amendment Bill – Final Bill and Cabinet Legislation paper

Appointment to the Charities Registration Board: decision and draft Cabinet paper

Charities Amendment Bill – First reading package

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 15 September 2022

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 29 September 2022

Modernising the Charities Act – Select Committee information

Developing Governance in the Community and Voluntary Sector: letter from Jo Cribb

Charities Services Annual Meeting

Charities Amendment Bill: advice on proactive release of Cabinet paper and Cabinet LEG Minute

Appointment to the Charities Registration Board: Talking points

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 13 October 2022

Charities Registration Board | Te Rāta Atawhai - Documentation to finalise the reappointment of the Board Chair

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report WE 27 October 2022

CVS Status Report WE 10 November 2022

Briefing titles: Racing

Racing Status Report 18 August 2022​

Draft Cabinet paper – Transfer of surplus racing venue negotiation regulations: policy proposal

Racing Status Report 1 September 2022​

TAB NZ Statement of Intent 2023-2025 for presentation to the House

Racing Status Report 15 September 2022​

Meeting with John Curtin, JC International Ltd and Harness Link, on 21 September 2022

Racing Integrity Board Member – Letter of appointment

Racing Status Report 29 September 2022​

Meeting with SPCA, 5 October 2022

Responding to the Racing Integrity Board’s Final Greyhound Review Report

Aide memoire Meeting with TAB New Zealand Chief Executive, 11 October 2022

Meeting with GRNZ: 20 October 2022


Meeting with SAFE: 11 October 2022

Introductory meeting with the Problem Gambling Foundation

Racing Status Report 13 October 2022​

Visit to Kaikoura Trotting Club Monday 31 October

Commencement briefing: Appointment of a Director to the TAB New Zealand Board

Meeting with Greyhounds as Pets NZ on 27 October 2022

Review of first year of Point of Consumption Charge

Racing Status Report 27 October 2022​

Visit to IRT NZ Trotting Cup Addington, 8 November 2022

Racing Status Report 10 November 2022

Briefing titles: Local Government

Local Government New Zealand Mayoral Induction Hui, 17 October 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 6 October 2022

Three Waters Reform: Update on Treaty Settlement Legislation approach

The Water Services Entities Amendment Bill: supporting documents for introduction and the first reading speech

Briefing – recommendations for interview panellists for appointments to Entity Establishment boards

Engagement with water industry on lead levels in drinking water

Aide memoire request: Minister's meeting with Watercare

Financial and Commercial Workstream update

Aide Memoire Ngâi Tahu - 28 September 2022

Aide Memoire Te Tau Ihu Iwi – 27 September 2022

IPWEA Conference - 3 October 2022

Proposed Taumata Arowai levy design and funding arrangements, including for 2023/24

Water Services Entities Bill – Update on public submissions and the departmental report (tbc)

Support material for Community Resilience Ministers Meeting 21 September 2022

Meeting with Waipa District Council Monday 26 September 2022

Meeting with Matamata-Piako District Council Monday 26 September 2022

Meeting with Nelson City Council 29 September 2022

Meeting with Kaikôura District Council 29 August 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 29 September 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 22 September 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 15 September 2022

Three waters Programme Status Update - September 2022

Three waters reforms – settlement of terms and conditions of employment for Water Services Entities staff

Internal Roads within Papakāinga Developments

Aotearoa Reorua pipeline for FY22/23

The Water Services Entities Amendment Bill: supporting documents for introduction and the first reading speech

Taumata Arowai costs and proposals for funding

Second reading of the Water Services Entities Bill

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 10 November 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 3 November 2022

Three waters implementation approach and options for acceleration of benefits

 Aide memoire request: Meeting with Dunedin City Council Mayor Jules Radich

Meeting with Citycare

Aide Memoire Request: alternative interview panel members (Establishment Boards)

Aide memoire request: Meeting with Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger

Meeting with Zone 5 and 6 on 14 November 2022

Oral item at Cabinet – Māori Electoral Option

Aide memoire request: Marae event for Rural Drinking Water Programme announcemen

Further advice on entrenchment in relation to the Water Services Entities Bill (tbc)

Transitional regulatory tools for residential pricing, and changes to non-residential pricing

Aide memoire request: Water New Zealand Conference and Expo 2022

Waikato Mayors Meeting

Wellington City Council Mayor Meeting

Meeting with Iwi Secretariat for Entity C

Pricing disclosure options - updated

Meeting with Te Manawa o Ngâ Wai – Iwi Secretariat for Entity B

Aide Memoire Request: Meeting with Mayor Brown at Auckland Council, 135 Albert St, Auckland

Aide Memoire Request: Meeting with Mayor Smith at Civic House, Trafalgar St, Nelson

Three Waters National Transition Programme Council Chief Executive Roadshow – Outcomes and Actions

Rural Drinking Water Programme Announcement for Rural Supplies

Northland Regional Council Retreat on 27 October 2022

Meeting with Kerry Davies and Duane Leo, New Zealand Public Service Association National Secretaries, 20 October 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 27 October 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 20 October 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 13 October 2022

Update on the requested changes to the Water Services Entities Bill from the Green Party (tbc)

Recommendations and proposed release of the Planning Technical Working Group report on the interface between the resource management and three waters systems

Iwi Collective Workplans from Entity A and B

Three Waters Reform Controls, Governance and Assurance Framework

Proposed fees for Entity establish board directors

Agreement to conclude the review of council-controlled organisations’ accountability, planning and reporting framework

Aotearoa Reorua update ahead of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

Local Government Status Report WE 8 September 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 1 September 2022

Report on the Associate Minister of Local Government’s engagement with rural and provincial councils (25 July-17 August 2022)

Proposed approach to the Future for Local Government Review’s draft report

Rural Supplies Technical Working Group Recommendations

Impact and options for implementation of Three Water transfer arrangements for Council Controlled Organisations that provide water related services

Demonstrating benefits for consumers and communities from independent scrutiny of Entity A in the establishment period

Three Waters Programme Chief Executive and Iwi Roadshow

Three waters: briefing 1B on Trade-off between revenue, capital expenditure and Crown support

Water Services Entity establishment boards – proposed approach to appointments

Meeting with IAG on 24 August 2022

COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act process

Local Government Status Report WE 25 August 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 18 August 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 11 August 2022

Material for Climate Response Ministers Group meeting 16 August 2022

ACE NZ Conference

Meeting with LGNZ Executive Leadership Team, 25 August 2022

Draft Water Services Entities Amendment Bill and draft Cabinet Legislation Committee paper – for feedback for Ministerial consultation

Meeting with Chairs of the Taumata Arowai Board and Te Puna on 31 August 2022

Candidate nominations and the local government elections 2022

South Taranaki District Council request for validation of candidate nomination

Approach to Budget 2023 for the local government portfolio

Options for Supporting Water Industry Transformation

Treaty Settlement Bill process – update on legislation programme

Meeting with Mayor Sam Broughton

Back to top

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 July to 10 August 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

IA Status Report WE 28 July 2022

Meeting with the new Chief Censor

GMANZ AGM 27 July 2022

Internal Affairs Status Report Week Ending 14 July 2022

FENZ Board meeting 21 July 2022

Letter to the Chair of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board on your expectations during and following mediation

Commencement briefing: Library and Information Advisory Commission / Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero appointment 2022

Commencement briefing: Guardians Kaitiaki of the Alexander Turnbull Library appointment 2022

Fire and Emergence -SPE 2022-23

Office of Film and Classification -SPE 2022-23

Request to select a process for the appointment of the Chief Gambling Commissioner

Decision table and draft Cabinet paper – 2022 Lottery distribution committee appointments round

Internal Affairs Status Report WE 4 August 2022

Meeting with Guyon Espiner about lotto and gambling

Archives Council |Te Rua Wânanga– appointment documents 2022

Reducing Pokies Harm: consultation feedback and implications for casinos

Law Commission Review of Surrogacy

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Quarterly Report to 30 June 2022

Information briefing: Extending RealMe verified identity validity period

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report Week Ending 21 July 2022

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report Week Ending 7 July 2022

Ministerial Satisfaction Survey - January to June 2022

Briefing titles: Local Government

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 28 July 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 21 July 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 14 July 2022

Local Government Status Report WE 4 August 2022

The Community Resilience Ministers’ meeting 28 July 2022

Options for providing additional support to the 2022 local body elections

Proactive release – Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill

Meeting with the Future for Local Government Review Panel members, 21 July 2022

Response to advice requests from Māori Affairs Committee on the Rotorua District Council (Representation Arrangements) Bill

Cover briefing LGE Legislation Bill 2 August

Suggested talking points for the Local Government Reforms Ministerial Group meeting on 25 July 2022

Proactive release of the Cabinet paper: Enabling a coordinated approach to reforms impacting local government

Release of ‘day one’ outcomes & roadmap: Communications & Engagement Plan

Final documentation – appointment to the Taumata Arowai Māori Advisory Group

Briefing titles: Racing

Racing Status Report Week Ending 21 July 2022

Approval of Racing Integrity Board’s 2022/23 budget and tabling of Statement of Intent

Aide memoire – Greyhound Racing NZ meeting 3 Aug 2022

Racing Status Report 4 August 2022

Back to top

Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 June to 10 July 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

IA Status Report WE 7 July 2022

Proactive release of Cabinet documents related to the release of the Discussion Document: self-identification  regulations and registering gender for people born overseas

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board decisions and draft Cabinet paper

Proposed changes to Public Lending Right regulations

IA Status Report WE 29 June 2022

IA Status Report WE 23 June 2022

Update on Content Regulatory Review

IA Status Report WE 16 June 2022

Office of Film and Classification Quarter Three 2021/2022 Report

Meeting with the Property Council

Establishing a ministerial group for the content regulatory review

Speech to the International Gambling Conference

Royal Commission – Draft Letter of Expectations 2022 - 2023

Authorising additional private sector organisations to use the RealMe Identity Verification Service

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report Week Ending 7 July 2022

Letters of Congratulation for the 2022 CVS Honours List

Community and Voluntary Sector Status Report Week Ending 23 June 2022

Modernising the Charities Act – Advice on further proactive release of briefings relating to the work programme
Establishment of a cross-agency steering group on volunteering
Release of final report Strengthening our Approach to Volunteering, with letters attached for your Ministerial colleagues

Briefing titles: Racing

Racing Status Report Week Ending 7 July 2022

Racing Status Report Week Ending 23 June 2022

Racing work programme overview

TAB NZ request for exemption from Cabinet Fees Framework Final Cabinet paper for lodgement
Appointment of Racing Integrity Board Chairperson: Talking points for Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee

Briefing titles: Local Government

Final Cabinet paper – Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill: Approval for introduction

Departmental report on the local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill

Briefing to AMoLG – Three waters reforms – additional information for your visit to Clutha District Council

Meeting on areas of joint interest in Entity D area for Three Waters

Three waters reforms – introduction and overview of policy and legislation work programme

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 7 July 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 30 June 2022

Aide mem for LGNZ conference from 20-22 July 2022

Further Advice on Water Services Entities' Secondary Legislation and Compliance Activities

Meeting with Local Government New Zealand, 4 July 2022

Suggested talking points for the Local Government Reforms Ministerial Group meeting on 6 July 2022

Extending the timeframes for the Future for Local Government Review

Local Government – Council performance framework

Rural considerations for Three Waters

Local Government Reforms Ministerial Group meeting on 6 July 2022

Draft Cabinet paper – COVID-19 risk mitigation planning for the 2022 local elections

Enabling a coordinated approach to reforms impacting local government: talking points for the Cabinet Government 

Administration and Expenditure Review Committee meeting on 30 June 2022

Local Electoral (Electoral Advertising) Amendment Bill – Second reading, Committee of the Whole, and Third Reading

Waikato Plan Symposium

Briefing to the Incoming Associate Minister of Local Government

Final Cabinet paper - Enabling a coordinated approach to reforms impacting local government

Three Waters Reform – litigation update

Aide Memoire for the Future Proof Implementation Committee meeting on Thursday 16 June 2022

Release of Cabinet material relating to the Rates Rebate Order 2022 and letters to Local Government stakeholders

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 23 June 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 16 June 2022

Meeting with LGNZ Executive Council on 4 July 2022

Recommended approach to delegated decisions on planning boundaries for the Top of the South Island

Buller flood resilience co-investment proposals: next steps

Agreement to lodge Cabinet paper - appointment to the Taumata Arowai Māori Advisory Group

Appointment to the Local Government Commission – lodgement of Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee (APH) paper

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Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 May to 10 June 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Final Cabinet paper – Discussion Document: self-identification regulations and recognising gender for people born overseas

Draft Cabinet paper and discussion document for public consultation: Proposed changes to gambling fees

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board appointment: short list briefing

Chief Censor appointment documents

New Zealand Lottery Grants Board | Te Puna Tahua – Decision table briefing and draft cabinet paper for the 2022 appointments round

Meeting with TAB Chair and Chief Executive

FENZ Board meeting with Minister, 19 May

IA Status Report WE 12 May 2022

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2022/23

The Office of Film and Literature Classification Draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2022/23

IA Status Report WE 19 May 2022

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Quarter Three 2021/22 report

IA Status Report WE 26 May 2022

Next steps for online gambling proposals

Archives Council |Te Rua Wānanga: decision briefing and draft Cabinet paper for the 2022 appointments round

IA Status Report WE 2 June 2022

Communicating the start of engagement on self-identification regulations and registering gender for people born overseas

IA Status Report WE 9 June 2022

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Modernising the Charities Act: Summary of proposals and talking points

Social Impact Bonds - information on their application to the CVS Portfolio

Research fellowship report on charities law released

Briefing titles: Racing

Racing Status Report for the week ending 26 May 2022

Racing Status Report for the week ending 12 May 2022

Racing Status Report Week Ending 9 June 2022

Briefing titles: Local Government

Local Government Commission 2022 Appointment Round: Decision table and draft Cabinet Paper

Briefing: Approval to upload the Cabinet Business Committee paper: Rates Rebate (Specified Amounts) Order 2022

Meeting with Chatham Islands Mayor and CEO

2022 Central-Local Government Forum (LGNZ Sector sessions)

Media release and select committee timeframes

Taituarâ Excellence Awards

Proposed response to Taumata Arowai’s draft Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations

Report of the Rural Supplies Technical Working Group

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 19 May 2022

Local Electoral (Electoral Advertising) Amendment Bill – Draft Cabinet paper and Bill for ministerial consultation

Local Electoral (Electoral Advertising) Amendment Bill Final Cabinet paper for lodgement at Cabinet Legislation Committee

Draft letter for Te Maruata Roopu Whakahaere

Meeting with the Minister of Finance to discuss the Review into the Future for Local Government, 31 May 2022

Three waters Cabinet papers – information for DEV on 1 June

LG Status Report WE 26 May 2022

Updated Policy Mandate for Crown Infrastructure Partners

Talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee Electoral Advertising Bill

Response to the Three Waters Transition Gateway Review

Material to support the upcoming Community Resilience Ministers meeting on Buller flood resilience

Meeting with Entity A councils and hapû in Whângarei

Te Pae Urungi forum

Speech and aide memoire for LGNZ Rural and Provincial Sector meeting, 16 June 2022

Proactive release of managing cost pressures associated with implementing the three waters reform programme Cabinet paper

Key messages about Tâtai Aronga

Draft Cabinet paper for Ministerial consultation: Enabling a coordinated approach to reforms impacting local government

Local Electoral (Advertising) Amendment Bill: First reading speech and related documents

Appointment to the Taumata Arowai Mâori Advisory Group – decisions briefing and draft Cabinet paper

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 2 June 2022

Local Government Status Report Week Ending 9 June 2022

Information for LEG on 2 June 2022 – Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand) Regulations 2022

Approval to lodge for Cabinet: Revised Water Services Entities Bill and associated Cabinet paper

Water Services (Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand) Regulations 2022: Authorisation for submission to the Executive Council

Agreement to lodge Cabinet paper – Water Services Entities Bill: Approval for introduction

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Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 April to 10 May 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Gambling (Problem Gambling Levy) Regulations 2022

Self-identification regulations and developing a process to enable transgender and intersex people born overseas to register their gender: Draft discussion document and Cabinet paper

Publication of final engagement strategy: Self-identification regulations and registering gender for people born overseas

Timeline and milestones for developing solutions for people born overseas to register gender

Exposure draft of Fire and Emergency (Levy) Amendment Bill

Office of Film and Literature Classification 2022/23 Letter of Expectations

IA Status Report WE 5 May 2022

Meeting with InternetNZ 11 May 2022

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Quarterly Report to 31 March 2022 and Upcoming Meeting with the Chair

Fire and Emergency New Zealand 2022/23 Letter of Expectations

IA Status Report WE 28 April 2022

IA Status Report WE 21 April 2022

IA Status Report WE 14 April 2022

Meeting with Discovery NZ Senior Vice President, Glen Kyne

Meeting with Free Speech Union

Content regulatory review engagement summary

Chief Censor Appointment Talking points for APH 4 May 2022

Meeting with Netsafe and the tech signatories of the online safety code on 14 April 2022

Arrangements for an Acting Chief Censor
Commencement briefing for the 2022 Lottery distribution committee appointments round
2022 Te Rua Wānanga Archives Council appointments: commencement briefing and draft Cabinet Paper

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Community Foundation New Zealand conference

CVS Status Report 2022 4 14

Briefing titles: Local Government

Urban Growth Agenda Ministers’ Meeting, 11 May

Approach to the response to Taumata Arowai’s draft Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations
Meeting with the Local Government New Zealand Sector
Material for 27 April meeting of Three Waters Ministers

Three Waters Reform: Transition Support Arrangements

Three Waters Reform better off support package: Auckland Council
Initial briefing for the Māori Affairs Committee on the Rotorua District Council (Representation Arrangements) Bill
Request to appoint advisers to the Māori Affairs Committee
Briefing for pre-meet with Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Meeting with Taumata Arowai Chairs on 21 April 2022
Annotated agenda for 27 April meeting of Three Waters Ministers
Material to support the upcoming Community Resilience Ministers meeting on Buller flood resilience
Local Government Status Report WE 5 May 2022
Resource Management Reform: Meeting with the Minister for the Environment on 9 May 2022
Meeting with Tower Insurance CEO, Blair Turnbull
Speech at the LGNZ Regional Sector meeting, 6 May
Invitation to speak at Taituara’s Community Wellbeing Forum, 12 May
Tātai Aronga Ministerial Consultation
LG Status Report WE 28 April 2022
Local Government Status Report Week Ending 21 April 2022
Aide memoire for 28 April 2022 meeting with Taituarā
Meeting with LGNZ Executive Leadership Team, 22 April 2022
Meeting with IAG on 5 May 2022

Briefing titles: Racing

Racing Status Report for the week ending 28 April 2022

Meeting with TAB NZ, 27 April 2022
Racing Status Report for the week ending 14 April 2022


Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 March to 10 April 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

Developing a process for people born overseas to register their gender: proposed approach to engagement, 8 April 2022

Title: Fire and Emergency New Zealand | Whakaratonga Iwi: Commencement briefing for 2022 appointment, 8 April 2022

Reducing harm from casino pokies, 8 April 2022

Office of Film and Literature Classification Quarter Two 2021/22 Report, 8 April 2022

The Content Regulatory Review in the context of the Christchurch Call and mis/disinformation, 7 April 2022

Proactive release of the Cabinet paper: Reducing Pokies Harm: Approval to consult, 6 April 2022

Proactive release of gambling Cabinet papers, 4 April 2022

Self-identification regulations: policy proposals to inform a public discussion document, 1 April 2022

Information and talking points for your meeting with Lotto NZ on 6 April 2022, 1 April 2022

Appointment of the Chief Censor: approval of candidate to appoint, 1 April 2022

Cabinet paper for lodging: Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2022/23 to 2024/25, 31 March 2022

Digital Ministers’ Meeting, Wednesday 30 March 2022, 25 March 2022

Meeting with Fire and Emergency New Zealand, 25 March 2022, 24 April 2022

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Quarter Two 2021/22 report, 17 March 2022

Proactive release of Cabinet paper – Government response to inquiry into the self-identification SOP, 17 April 2022

Commencement briefing for the 2022 appointments round for the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board / Te Puna Tahua, 17 April 2022

Options for a voluntary filtering system to prevent access to objectionable digital terrorist and violent extremist content (TVEC), 15 March 2022

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Strengthening our approach to volunteering: oral update to Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee on 13 April 2022, 5 March 2022

CVS proposal for Te Aka Matua o Te Ture | The Law Commission’s Work Programme 2022/23, 30 March 2022

Strengthening our Approach to Volunteering, 23 March 2022

Community and Voluntary Sector portfolio resourcing, 11 March 2022

Briefing titles: Racing

Appointment of the Chair of the Racing Safety Development Fund Industry Working Group: Appointment documents, 11 March 2022

Betting Rules Amendment Notices (No.1 & No.2) 2022 for presentation to the House, 25 March 2022

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Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 February 2022 – 10 March 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

IA Status Report WE 10 March 2022

IA Status Report WE 3 March 2022

Te Mana Whakaatu | The Office of Film and Literature Classification Annual Report 2020/21

Draft engagement strategy – self-identification regulations and registering a nominated sex for overseas-born New Zealanders

Fire and Emergency New Zealand levy exemptions

The Content Regulatory Review Timeline

Draft Cabinet paper for Ministerial consultation: Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2022/23 to 2024/25

Draft Cabinet paper – Regulations for the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Amendment Act

Cabinet papers on reducing harm from gambling for lodging

Letter to the Leader of the Opposition seeking selection of a representative for the Lottery Grants Board

IA Status Report WE 24 February 2022

Agreement to sign Five Country statement marking the second anniversary of the voluntary principles to counter child sexual exploitation and abuse

Chief Censor short listing briefing

International Regulatory Frameworks for Online Content research report

IA Status Report WE 10 February 2022

IA Status Report WE 1 February 2022

Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2021

Meeting with Gambling Commission 14 February 2022

Meeting with Insurance Council

Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Quarterly report for 1 October – 31 December 2021

Review of Content Regulation in Aotearoa New Zealand: What different approaches to engagement can deliver

Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Technical adjustment to a multi-year appropriation

Paige Harris Birth Registration Bill: Private Bill Process

Final Government response to the Governance and Administration Committee’s inquiry into the self-identification SOP

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

Community and Voluntary Sector portfolio resourcing

CVS Proposals for the Law Commission 2022/2023 Work Programme

Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2021

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 Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 10 January 2022 – 10 February 2022

Briefing titles: Internal Affairs

IA Status Report WE 1 February 2022

Meeting with Insurance Council

Royal Commission into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Quarterly report for 1 October – 31 December 2021

Paige Harris Birth Registration Bill: Private Bill Process

Final Government response to the Governance and Administration Committee’s inquiry into the self-identification SOP

Proposals for the 2022 Legislation Programme

Draft Government response to the Governance and Administration Committee’s inquiry into the self-identification SOP

Briefing titles: Community and Voluntary Sector

AM for the Minister for her meeting with Dr Claire Achmad, CE of SSPA in February 2022

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Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 23 October 2021 – 23 December 2021

Briefing titles

Aide Memoire for Auckland Council Citizenship Ceremony

Initial thinking on the self-identification regulations and proposed engagement approach

Gambling Fees Review - Options to inform public consultation

Key points from GMANZ gambling wellbeing analysis

Policy briefing: Proposals to implement take-down notice provisions

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions: Amending the terms of appointment for the members

Policy briefing: Update on the review of content regulation in Aotearoa New Zealand

Potential legislative bids and policy work programme for 2022-2023

Digital Ministers’ Meeting, Thursday 9 December

Office of Film Literature Classification Quarter One 2021/22 Report

Challenges of End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) for Digital Safety

Tāhuhu: Preserving the Nation’s Memory Programme main drawdown from tagged contingency established in Budget 2020

Overview of Response to COVID-19 Protection Framework

Meeting with the Chair of the Royal Commission: 6 December 2021

Fire and Emergency New Zealand 21/22 quarter one report Minister of Internal Affairs Hon Jan Tinetti

Information Briefing – Draft Online Safety Code of Practice

Meeting with Fire and Emergency New Zealand, 29 November 2021

Process for the Delivery of the Royal Commission’s Interim Report on Redress

Briefing: Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund - November 2021

Cabinet paper for lodging: Gambling (Reinstating COVID-19 Modification) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction

Presentation to the House of Representatives: Fire & Emergency NZ Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2021

Oranga Marae Committee: appointment documents

Gambling report: A calculated injustice

Recordkeeping implications of Cabinet paper on redress processes for survivors of abuse in care

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Proactive Release of Briefing titles: 11 October 2021 – 22 October 2021 

Briefing titles 

Appointments to the Oranga Marae Committee: decision briefing and draft Cabinet paper

Committee of the whole House stage of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill

Talking points for Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee 27 October 2021: Appointment of the Chair of the Library and Information Advisory Commission Ngā Kaiwhakakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero

Meeting with Fire and Emergency New Zealand, 26 October 2021

Further approvals - minor and technical amendments to the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill

Ministerial consultation - Fire and Emergency funding system Cabinet paper and Regulatory Impact Statement

Approach to progressing Recommendation 41 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry Report into the Christchurch terror attacks
New Zealand Lottery Grants Board / Te Puna Tahua Appointments: Adjusted Appointment Documents
Film and Literature Board of Review: appointment documents
Aide memoire and speech notes for the Digital Council’s networking event
Racing Industry Act 2020: Advice on the status of minimum payments to sports distribution regulations 
Appointments to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board: Draft Cabinet paper for the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee
Information briefing: Pacific Economy Research Report on Unpaid Work and Volunteering in Aotearoa – summary of findings
Charities Services Annual Meeting, 29 October 2021