Legislation we administer

As at April 2024, the following is a list of legislation that we administer, or enforce, classified by Portfolio:

Internal Affairs

Digitising Government

National Library

Archives New Zealand

Local Government

Community and Voluntary Sector


Ministerial Services

Other legislation

In addition, the Department of Internal Affairs administers and provides advice on the following pieces of legislation which are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance:



* Internal Affairs administers these regulations, but the Act is administered by the Ministry of Justice.

** Internal Affairs enforces this Act, but it is administered by the Ministry of Justice.

*** Internal Affairs administers these regulations, but the Act is administered by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

**** Internal Affairs enforces this Act, but it is administered by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE)

***** Information sharing agreement between Internal Affairs and Inland Revenue, secondary legislation administered by Inland Revenue

****** Information sharing agreement between Internal Affairs (Registrar-General) and NZ Police, secondary legislation administered by NZ Police

******* Internal Affairs administers these regulations, but the Act is administered by the Ministry of Transport