The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Services › Other Services › Administration of Motiti Island

Resource management

LATEST: Submissions from the resource consent hearing - 1 October 2020

David Hill, Independent Commissioner, convened a hearing on Thursday 1 October 2020 to consider the resource consent application. The following submissions were received from attendees at the hearing: 71 submissions were received on the application. 69 submissions were in support and 2 submissions were in opposition to the application. If you would like to receive copies of these submissions, please contact Richard Hardie, Manager Operational Policy on

About the resource consent request

As Territorial Authority for Motiti Island, the Minister of Local Government has received a Land Use consent application to erect a residential building on Motiti North C1 Block, Motiti Island.

The proposal is a non-complying activity in the Te Tai Whenua/Rural Zone in the Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan (MIEMP) and it has been determined in accordance with section 95C of the Resource Management Act 1991, that the application shall be fully notified.

Submissions closed on Monday 8 June 2020.

Public notification of an application for a resource consent under the Resource Management Act 1991- Officer's report, statement of evidence and hearing details (17 September 2020)

Applying for a resource consent

Doing something with your land? You may need permission from the Associate Minister of Local Government.

This permission is called a resource consent. A resource consent is needed if the way you are intending to use your land goes against a rule in the Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan (the Plan). The Plan is below.

The Department of Internal Affairs can work with you to understand whether you need a resource consent to do something with your land and, if you need a resource consent, what you need to put in your application.

Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan

The Plan is a district plan that incorporates aspects of the Motiti Island Hapu Management Plan. The Plan will assist in achieving the sustainable management of natural and physical resources on the island to enable the community to provide for their environmental, social, economic, and cultural wellbeing.

The Plan was made operative by the Environment Court on 19 January 2015 and approved on 6 May 2016.

Appendix 2 - Planning Maps

Appendix 3 - Schedule of Cultural Heritage and Archaelogical Sites

More information about the history and development of the Plan.

Motiti Island Hapu Management Plan

The Motiti Island Hapu Management Plan has been lodged with the Department of Internal Affairs. It should be noted that while the Hapu Management Plan has been lodged and is a public document, the ownership of the plan rests with its authors.

Fire protection management

On 1 July 2015, Motiti Island was included in the Pumicelands Rural Fire District. Because of this, the Pumicelands Rural Fire Authority (PRFA) administers some of the Minister’s responsibilities under the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977 for Motiti Island. The PRFA’s goal is to provide effective rural fire protection administration services in its district. The structure and functions of the PRFA are set out the PRFA’s constitution, which can be found on the PRFA’s website.

The PRFA’s district has been divided into zones and each zone is administered by an operations group. The Moana Zone operations group administers parts of the western Bay of Plenty region, including Motiti Island, and so the Department is represented on that group on the Minister’s behalf. More information about the Western Bay of Plenty Zone operations group’s work can be found on the Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s website.

Civil defence and emergency management

The Department would like to determine how to best ensure that the Motiti community is able to respond to a natural disaster. The Department, on behalf of the Associate Minister, must work with the Bay of Plenty civil defence and emergency management group to do this work and we welcome any ideas the people of Motiti may have. More information about the Bay of Plenty civil defence and emergency management group can be found on its website.

Requests for information

Anyone can request information from the Department or the Associate Minister. The Official Information Act 1982 requires the Department or the Associate Minister to release information that is requested, unless there are really good reasons for not doing so. The Official Information Act sets out these reasons.

More helpful information about making these requests can be found on the Office of the Ombudsman’s website.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

The Bay of Plenty Regional Council has regional council responsibilities for Motiti. For any queries that relate to these responsibilities, we encourage you to engage with the regional council.


For further information regarding Motiti Island, please contact:

Department of Internal Affairs
147 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
PO Box 805
Wellington 6140

Freephone: 0800 25 78 87 (New Zealand only)
Phone: +64 4 495 7200

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