Gaming machine profits (GMP dashboard)

Dashboard file showing current quarter, and historic data for the numbers of electronic gaming machines (EGMs)and licenced premises in each council area, reported since 2015.

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Last updated: 28 February 2024

Gaming Machine Profits (GMP) Dashboard ( website PowerBI and machine-readable formats)

A new Power BI version of the Quarterly GMP dashboard is now available through This dashboard has now prepaced the previous Excel dashboard: GMP Quarterly Dashboard (

The PowerBI dashboard contains several reports. Explanations to help you understand the information, and what it shows, are provided below

Interpreting the data

The dashboard shows the numbers of approved gaming machines licensed to operate at approved venues as at the last day of the current quarter.

This is a 'snapshot' of the current state of affairs at a point in time. It is not conclusive and should be read in the context of the broader dataset.

Contact us if you want up to date information about machine numbers in a district.

Notes and Corrections

December 2024 - Rolling up of Central Hawke's Bay District to Hastings District

During the December 2024 quarter, a venue in the Central Hawkes Bay District surrendered its venue licence and was no longer licenced to operate class 4 gaming machines as at the end of the quarter. This dropped the number of venues in the Central Hawke's Bay District to one. As with similar scenarios (Kaikoura District, Stratford District) in the past, we have combined/rolled up this Territorial Authority with Hastings District, as not to expose venue-level GMP of this single venue, as per departmental policy that we do not publish venue-level GMP. We have chosen to combine Central Hawke's Bay District with Hastings District due to the geographic proximity of the venues and the deprivation levels of the venues being relatively similar.

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GMP trends

General insights

Quarterly GMP data for October to December 2024 shows a decrease in both nominal and inflation adjusted terms, with a 2.1 percent and 2.6 percent drop respectively. Nominal GMP dropped from $263,112,477 to $257,489,337 and adjusted for inflation, this is a drop from $200,228,595 to $195,010,564. This does follow the usual seasonal trend and the percent decreases are in line with what we usually observe. When looking at a slightly longer timeframe however, from December 2022 to December 2024, GMP is continuing to show a slight downward trend in both nominal and inflation-adjusted terms.

Consequently, the rolling 12-month total for GMP has continued to decrease. In nominal terms, it has fallen by 0.4 percent vs. the year ending September 2024, from $1,027,439,108 to $1,023,133,582. When adjusted for inflation this is a 1 percent decrease.

The number of venues and EGMs operating at the end of the quarter have continued to drop, with the number of venues decreasing from 980 to 977 and EGMs dropping from 14,046 to 13,985. When venues and EGM numbers drop, we often see an increase in GMP per EGM, but in this case because of the corresponding decrease in GMP, average GMP per EGM has dropped from $18,732 to $18,412 in nominal terms, or from $14,255 to $13,944 when adjusted for inflation (a drop of 1.7 percent and 2.2 percent respectively). 

Regional insights

GMP per EGM broken down by territorial authority (TA) has seen Porirua City, Auckland City and Horowhenua District remain in the top 5 Tas for GMP per EGM. Hastings District returns and continues to feature frequently. A new addition to the top 5 this quarter is Queenstown-Lakes District, which is not generally this high in comparison to the other TAs. It has however reduced the number of venues and EGMs compared to the previous quarter and it could be that the venue that is no longer operating was a lower GMP venue, but further analysis would have to be conducted to confirm this. Porirua City, Hastings District and Queenstown-Lakes District have seen an increase in GMP per EGM compared to the last quarter, but Auckland City and Horowhenua District have seen a decrease, likely owing to the overall lower GMP, both nominally and adjusted for inflation.

Top 5 Territorial Authorities by GMP per EGM December 2024 Quarter: Porirua City, $25,356.28 (Nominal); $19,203.68 (Inflation Adjusted); Auckland City, 24,133.30 (Nominal), $18,277.45 (Inflation Adjusted); Hastings District (December 2024 incd. Central Hawke's Bay, $21,144.32 (Normal), $16,013.74 (Inflation Adjusted); Horowhenua District, $21,114.82 (Normal), $15.991.39 (Inflation Adjusted); Queenstown Lakes District $20,877.47 (Normal), $15,811.64 (Inflation Adjusted)

For more detail on these numbers and trends, please see our GMP Dashboard.

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Interpreting the data

There are several reports within the PowerBI version (human readable) of the GMP dashboard: 

  • Class 4 Key Statistics - Key stats about the current quarter, filterable by location
  • Gaming Machine Statistics - Dynamic dashboard that allows you to select financial information you want to see based on time and location.
  • Venues and EGMs - Dynamic dashboard that allows you to select venue and EGM information you want to see based on time and location.
  • In Detail – Tables – Quarterly and yearly tables showing financial and venue/EGM information and the delta between each quarter/year that you want to see based on time and location.
  • Quarterly GMP, Venues and EGMs – A table showing a single quarter of data, showing the percentage of total GMP, EGMs and venues for the selected location(s) and quarter.
  • Dataset - Data that sits behind all the dynamic tables and dashboards.
  • Current Quarter Venues – A list of venues licenced at the end of the quarter. 

Two additional sheets provide help for navigating and reading the data: 

  • Contents and directions – instructions for how to navigate the dashboard and view the information you need. It covers how to:
    • Navigate between pages
    • Use filters/slicers to manipulate different views
    • Uncover detail behind the graphs
    • Troubleshoot
  • Notes and Caveats to the Data – details what is, and is not, included in the data.

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