Three Waters Steering Committee Update - 26 August 2021

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On this page

Key questions on reforms
The 8-week period
LGNZ workshops
Iwi/Māori engagement 
Local Authority Indicative Financial Impact Tool 


The following documents  are also included in this update:

This email from the joint Central/Local Government Three Waters Steering Committee has been sent to Mayors, Chairs, and Chief Executives only. Please distribute this information with your council and staff as appropriate.

This is the first direct Steering Committee update you will have received since the July announcements from the Prime Minister as you have been receiving updates directly from DIA, LGNZ and Taituarā in this period. 

We also acknowledge that while we are at Covid-19 Alert Level 4 this will be the primary focus of local leaders. We will continue to be available via email and for virtual meetings during this time. 

Key questions on the reforms

In response to requests for key questions and essential facts on the reforms DIA have provided the attached fact sheet which can be used in council communications on the reforms. DIA will be providing variations of this and similar information in other forms to support the appetite for additional information for elected members and the public. 

LGNZ have also produced an A3 that gives an overview of the reform, with FAQs on the back. Dowload the overview of the reform.

Last week Taituarā hosted a question and answer session with council CFOs. The detailed Questions and Answers from this session have subsequently been distributed to CFOs, and will shortly be available online. 

The 8-week period

As you will be aware, last month, the Government and LGNZ agreed to provide local government with the space you need to consider the reform proposals before taking decisions on next steps in the reform pathway. 

The purpose of this period is to provide time for all local authorities to:

  • engage with and understand the large amount of information that has been released on the nature of the challenges facing the sector, the case for change, and the proposed package of reforms, including the recently announced support package; 
  • take advantage of the range of engagement opportunities to fully understand the proposal and how it affects your local authority and your community; and 
  • identify issues of local concern and provide feedback to LGNZ on what these are and suggestions for how the proposal could be strengthened.

Read additional information on the 8 week period.

Local authorities are not expected to make any formal decisions regarding the reform through this period. 

This is an opportunity for the sector to engage with – and provide feedback on – local impacts and possible variations to the proposed reform proposals outlined by the Government. 

This period does not trigger the need for formal consultation. 

We would encourage local authorities to share your feedback with LGNZ as it arises via LGNZ also have technical support available to councils during this period that can be accessed via this email address. 

The Government has indicated that following this period it will make decisions on next steps in the reform programme. 

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LGNZ Workshops

Over the last month LGNZ have been holding weekly webinars for Mayors and CEs, we highly recommend attending and engaging in these webinars. 

They provide a key part of the evolving discussion within the sector.

LGNZ have also held webinar for wider elected members and prepared a comprehensive set of Q&As from this session. Read the questions and answers.

Over the coming weeks LGNZ, supported by DIA and Taituarā, will host targeted workshops/discussions as follows:

  • A targeted discussion on population-based funding – 31 August via Zoom
  • Workshop on Governance, chaired by Mayor Rachel Reese – 31 August 
  • Workshop on Community Voice, chaired by Mayor Alex Walker – 2 September
  • Workshop on the planning interface, chaired by Jason Krupp – 6 September TBC
  • Workshop on Rural Schemes, chaired by Brian Hannah – 8 September TBC

We have attached a series of short discussion papers prepared by the Department on each of the key workshop topics to support discussion on these areas. 

Please email if you wish to participate in any of these sessions.

Iwi/Māori Engagement 

Some councils have asked what engagement is occurring with iwi/Māori during this 8-week period. 

While local government are considering the reform proposals we do encourage you to work with your mana whenua partners in these discussions as appropriate. However, the Department is also continuing their engagement directly with iwi across the country during this period with various hui happening each week. 

While subject to Covid restrictions we are continuing meetings via zoom where possible. 

This includes engagement with groupings of iwi and direct one on one engagement where invited. The Department is taking a tikanga based approach to these engagements whereby they actively seek invitations to hui, but do not invite themselves or presume the time or date, (which is to be set by the iwi themselves). 

The Department is also providing updates directly to iwi/Māori contacts on the reform proposals and inviting direct engagements. 

During this 8-week period the Minister will look to hui with iwi in the proposed entities. Planning for these hui is ongoing with Covid restrictions in mind.

As is the case with local government, there are also discussions/hui underway for iwi to collectively consider the reform proposals with and without their central or local government partners. Including an all of entity B iwi hui that look place earlier this month with a follow up iwi and council hui in the works, and a Ngai Tahu-led hui with Entity D councils this week. 

This is a positive step and the Department is available to provide support before, during, or after these hui as requested. 

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Local Authority Indicative Financial Impact Tool

On August 17 the Department shared a Local Authority Indicative Financial Impact Tool with councils chief executives which offers them indicative estimate of how the proposed Three Waters Reforms would affect their financial position.

The tool also provides a nationally consistent initial estimate of the financial support councils may receive to ensure they are financially well placed to continue serving their communities following reform.

Read more information on the support package.

The Tool is pre-populated with council Long Term Plan data, but enables councils to input their own data for alternative scenarios. 

This is designed to be indicative only to support your consideration of the potential impact of the reform on your council’s financial sustainability. Final analysis will be subject to rigorous due diligence process during the transition period should the reforms proceed as proposed. 

Ngā mihi, 

Three Waters Steering Committee


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