Update - Tuesday, 18 August 2020 

COVID-19 Local Government Response Unit main page

  • The Auckland region (Auckland Council area) remains at Alert Level 3 until 11:59pm Wednesday 26 August and the rest of New Zealand remains at Alert Level 2.
  • The Prime Minister announced yesterday that the 2020 election has moved from 19 September 2020 to 17 October 2020. The dissolution of Parliament will occur on 6 September 2020. While Parliament has reconvened, it will not conduct normal business – meaning legislation will not be progressed during this period.

Leadership in our communities

  • Your communities will look to you for leadership in this rapidly moving situation. Thank you for continuing to provide calm, compassionate leadership to your communities.
  • People are not the problem, the virus is the problem, people are the solution.
  • We know you will take all advice or guidance from the Ministry of Health and national direction regarding the current COVID-19 Alert Levels into consideration while making your leadership decisions. We trust you will treat information provided to you in your role as community leaders in confidence.
  • As you are aware, misinformation and disinformation around COVID-19 is circulating online. Please continue to use verified information and trusted government channels to source your information.

Travel Exemptions

  • Travel into, out of and through the Auckland region is heavily restricted while the region is at Alert Level 3. The police are enforcing this at checkpoints.
  • You must have an exemption, either under the Health Order or from the Director General of Health, to travel between a level 2 and 3 zone.
  • We have had some concerns raised by neighbouring councils about exemptions to travel through Auckland or to cross this boundary for services such as solid waste.
  • Very limited travel across the Auckland boundary is permitted for some work purposes. Exemptions have been put in place and do not require special authorisation to travel, for example if you:
    • are moving freight - All freight (goods, livestock, waste, etc.) movements can occur into, out of and through Auckland;
    • work in transport in public transport services that are under contract with a territorial authority; and
    • work for organisations listed in Schedule 1 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002. (Which includes: An entity that supplies or distributes water to the inhabitants of a city, district, or other place; and an entity that provides a waste water or sewerage network or that disposes of sewage or storm water.)
  • Each individual should carry photo identification and an official, recently dated, letter — either in hard copy or on their phone — from their employer that:
    • indicates their travel is necessary, and
    • clearly states which of the above categories they are travelling under.
  • If documentation is not provided, Police will refuse access to the vehicle and request they turn back.
  • The latest information on inter-regional travel between Alert Levels can be found on the COVID website here. The website sets out information on:
    • Travelling within regions at Alert Level 2;
    • Travel into, out of, and through Auckland; and
    • Exemptions for travel into, out of, and through the Auckland region.
  • Notices relating to these exemptions can be found here: Ministry of Health website.
  • Information on the process for applications for other travel exemptions can be found: COVID website.

Breaches of Regional Travel Restrictions

  • As above, COVID-19 restrictions have introduced Alert Levels that differ by region.
  • Auckland is currently under Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2.
  • Where movement restrictions are in place between regions, police have operational responsibility for maintaining checkpoints.
  • If you become aware of movement between regions outside of these checkpoints please alert local police.

The Resurgence Wage Subsidy

  • The Government has announced the Resurgence Wage Subsidy. It’s a two-week payment for businesses who meet the criteria, and aren’t getting the Wage SubsidyWage Subsidy Extension or the Leave Support Scheme. A business can't receive more than one COVID-19 payment for the same employee at the same time.
  • The Resurgence Subsidy is so businesses can keep paying their employees.  It is available to employers who have had, or expect to have, a revenue drop of at least 40% because of COVID-19, for a 14 day period between 12 August to 10 September, compared to a similar period last year.
  • Applications for the Resurgence Subsidy can be made from 1pm on 21 August 2020 to 3 September 2020. For more information about the Subsidy criteria and application requirements see the Work and Income website: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19/resurgence-wage-subsidy/index.html.

COVID-19 Response Preparedness

Other useful Resources

  • The All of Government communications team will be updating the Unite Against Covid digital channels, including boosted social media posts, Radio and TV information, and the website www.covid19.govt.nz with the following key messages for people in the area of Auckland. 
  • You may find posters to support the key messages here: https://covid19.govt.nz/updates-and-resources/posters/
  • In July the Government set out the “Stamp it Out” framework for responding to new cases of community transmission, should these arise.
  • We have re-attached a set of key messages and an A3 on strategy that you may find useful to support you in conversations with your communities.
  • Foreign nationals in need of assistance can check their eligibility and apply online at: https://www.redcross.org.nz/stories/new-zealand/visitor-care-manaaki-manuhiri/
  • Connected.govt.nz has been launched by MDS to assist workers, employers and job seekers navigate all of the available COVID recovery programmes and assistance. The website is supported by a free phone line, 0800 264 737 and MSD have 35 physical Connected locations around the country.

*The Response Unit workstreams

  • The Response Unit is working at pace on a number of priority workstreams. To give you more visibility on the core workstreams of the Response Unit, we have provided the below overview.
  • The COVID-19 Local Government Response Unit webpage can be found here: https://www.dia.govt.nz/Local-Government-COVID-19-Response

Essential Services

  • To support local government to continue to provide essential services, as appropriate, through the COVID-19 event. Within this there are five workstreams on the following critical services: drinking and waste water; solid waste; public transport; roading; and crematoriums and cemeteries.


  • To ensure local government can continue to make decisions and meet legislative requirements through the COVID-19 response and recovery. (We are also working across agencies to understand the implications of their legislation on local government, including the RMA and consenting issues.)

Finance and Recovery

  • Working across central and local government on the immediate Covid-19 effect on local government financial planning and viability; and working to ensure local government are well placed to support regional and local recovery.

Social Wellbeing

  • To effectively support local authorities as they promote the social wellbeing of their communities, and work with iwi/Māori in this space.

Project Management

  • Ensuring effective project co-ordination of the Response Unit; reporting; communications with central and local government; and co-ordination with the National Response.

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