Improving our services for customers

Overview of Te Ara Manaaki

Improving our services - Te Ara Manaaki

Te Ara Manaaki is a five-year transformation programme in Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs, DIA. It runs to June 2025 and is progressively making it easier and safer for people to use our services, connect with government – and have more control over their personal information.

The programme’s focus is on the heart of DIA’s identity and life event services, such as birth, marriage and death registrations, passports and citizenship.

A life-event is how Te Tara Taiwhenua describes a moment in our life that is so significant, it requires an official government record. We’re talking about delivering services we all need at some stage in our lives that are connected to:

  • the emotional high of a wedding
  • the birth of a child
  • the grief from losing a loved one
  • becoming a citizen of Aotearoa New Zeland
  • getting a passport
  • adopting a child … and more!

Te Ara Manaaki will enable services to be delivered in a secure, more joined up, effective way – providing digital self-service options to customers and other agencies. And for those unable to access services online, a paper option is there.

Te Ara Manaaki has already reduced the hassle for customers. They can now:

  • Order a birth certificate online
  • Apply online for their first passport
  • Apply online to get married
  • Apply online for citizenship by grant.

Improvements on the way include:

  • Citizenship, passports and digital identity joined-up and online
  • Access and share own identity information
  • Easy self-service options
  • Apply online for citizenship by descent
  • Reduced identity fraud risk with robust identity proofing
  • Greater power to provide (or decline) consent to share their information
  • Precious data safely migrated onto a resilient platform.

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