Resource material › Information We Provide › Community Development
General information
- Sustainability in Community Organisations (.pdf) 270k*
- Sustainability in Community Organisations (.doc) 790k
- Community Access to Digital Technologies (.pdf) 677k*
- Community Access to Digital Technologies (.doc) 1.6m
Community-led development
Background information about Community-led development:Sustainability in Community Organisations
This Literature Review summarises a sample of peer reviewed New Zealand and international research literature. It was completed in February 2011 to provide information about the elements of sustainability in community organisation and how sustainability can be best supported by communities and government. The findings of the literature review will be used by the Department to inform its work with communities.Community Access to Digital Technologies
This Literature Review summarises a sample of peer reviewed New Zealand and international research literature. The review was completed in February 2011 and summarises what is known about the factors contributing to community access to, and use of, digital technologies. The findings of the literature review will be used by the Department to inform future policy work and the monitoring of digital funding to communities.Community Matters website
The Department of Internal Affairs manages the Community Matters website for information about the Department's community funding work:
Other Publications
Lottery COVID-19 Community Wellbeing Fund – Evaluation Report 2021In August 2020, the Minister of Internal Affairs announced a new $40 million Lottery fund to focus on community and social initiatives in the wake of COVID-19. The Lottery COVID-19 Community Wellbeing Fund (Fund) will provide one-off grants for community or social initiatives that increase the strength and resilience of communities that are responding to the impacts of COVID-19.
Strengthening our Approach to Volunteering – Department of Internal Affairs Report
The Strengthening our Approach to Volunteering report was commissioned by the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector Hon. Priyanca Radhakrishnan to identify and provide advice on the gaps and opportunities in government support to volunteering. The report was conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs and released on 19 June 2022 as part of National Volunteer Week 2022. Based on information from 30 government agencies whose work involves volunteering as well as international data, the report identifies opportunities to improve government support to volunteering both in the short and long term, as well as opportunities for further research and exploration.
* By clicking on the link above, you will navigate to the Community Matters website. The above web link contains more information on the report with a link to the full report. This report document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.
A Framework for Developing Sustainable Communities - Discussion Paper (204k)*
This framework on building strong, sustainable communities has been developed in discussion with officials of the Department of Internal Affairs (Community Development Group Policy Team), Ministry of Social Development (Community Policy Unit), Child Youth and Family, and the Community Employment Group. It is based on the experiences of New Zealand communities and community workers, as well as published research. It has been the subject of consultation and comment from a range of government agencies.
*This document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.
A Framework for Developing Sustainable Communities - Powerpoint Summary (275k)*
Powerpoint summary of the contents of discussion paper above.
*This document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.
Community Development Resource Kit
The Community Development Resource Kit is a comprehensive tool kit for community workers and other people working alongside community organisations. It covers the processes and information needed to set up and run community projects and groups. This infomation was updated on 17 October 2006 and is now permanently located on the CommunityNet Aotearoa website at:
Community Based Youth Development Fund - Evaluation Report 2002 (304k)*
In 1998 the Department of Intenal Affairs established seven youth projects funded by the Community Based Youth Development Fund (CBYDF). The CBYDF was developed as part of New Zealand Youth Suicide Prevention Startegy. This Evaluation of Youth Development Projects was released in April 2002.
*This document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.
Community Internship Programme - Evaluation Report 2002 (99k)*
The Community Internship Programme provides grants for the placement of experienced people from the public, private or community sectors, on six-month internships with host community organisations. This report is the result of an evaluation survey of the twenty internships funded in the 2001 year. There are five additional appendices. To access appendices click on the links below:
*This document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.