Social Media Platforms

Social Media provides children with a great opportunity to stay connected to their family and friends however there can be some risks. The below factsheets will provide you with more information on how to safety navigate some of the social platforms and apps your child may be using.

Staying safe on social media

  • Understand what your children are using — search online or on the app. Check the age requirements, for example, most social media sites are for children over 13.
  • Set up rules — agree with your child when and how to use the apps. For example, they give their devices to you overnight, agree that you approve any apps.
  • Teach your child about sharing information responsibly — For example, don't share personal details, such as a home address, phone number and school. Use privacy settings to prevent a stranger from contacting your child.
  • Make sure your child understands what can happen — For example, their posts can be shared or transformed to bully them.

Visit Netsafe for more information on:

Netsafe also has information about platforms, risks and how to change settings, including:

Staying safe on smart devices

TikTok - Tips on how to stay safe

Using TikTok safely

Tips on how to stay safe using TikTok (PDF, 198KB)

YouTube - Protecting yourself

Protecting yourself on YouTube

Protecting yourself on YouTube (PDF, 304KB)

YouTube Kids - Protecting your child

YouTube Kids Factsheet

How to keep your child safe on YouTube Kids (PDF, 413KB)

Instagram – Tips on how to stay safe & keep your child safe

Instagram Factsheet

Tips on how to stay safe & keep your child safe on Instagram (PDF, 238KB)

Snapchat – Tips on how to stay safe & keep your child safe

Snapchat Factsheet

Tips on how to stay safe & keep your child safe on Snapchat (PDF, 202KB)

Roblox – Protecting your child

 Roblox Factsheet

How to keep your child safe on Roblox (PDF, 390KB)