The Department of Internal Affairs

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Resource material › Dog Control › Dog Control Survey - Final Report

Survey of Territorial Authorities on Dog Control Issues - Final Report

Following a spate of dog attacks in 2003, the Minister of Local Government instructed The Department of Internal Affairs to survey all territorial authorities on issues relating to dog control and the Dog Control Act 1996.

This final report includes information on dog attacks resulting in visits to public hospitals, attacks by unregistered dogs and dogs classified as dangerous under the Dog Control Amendment Act 2003.

Some of the results should be treated as indicative rather than conclusive, and cannot be treated as being representative of all seventy three councils. Despite the limitations of the information recorded in the report, the Department believes that the results provide a useful indication of the problems experienced by a range of councils in the implementation of dog control legislation.

Access the Report

Link below to the Survey of Territorial Authorities on Dog Control Issues Report and Appendices. These documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the
Adobe site.

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