Accessibility instructions for DIA's design suppliers

Accessibility is mandatory for all government organisations to ensure all communication is accessible to all people regardless of their level of visual, hearing, learning or reading impairment.

This is underpinned by the Human Rights Act, Bill of Rights Act and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It applies to all channels, including online and print. The Good employer requirements in the Public Service Act 2020 require that agency employers recognise and make provisions for the needs of disabled employees.

At DIA we work where possible to make our communications accessible. This ranges from writing in plain English as per the Plain Language Act to creating accessible documents. 

If you are a contractor writing for DIA, you will need to refer to the All of Government Style Guide (Digital government website). 

Though HTML is the preferred online accessibiliy format, often PDFs need to be created and made available online as well. Here is some handy information on how to create accessible PDFs for design suppliers. 

Create accessible PDFs with InDesign

Follow these easy step-by-step instructions

Download an accessible InDesign template

  • For producing a print or online PDF for DIA (Compressed zipped folder, 7MB)
    If you are an agency commissioned to design a publication for DIA then please use this template, which includes all Paragraph Style tagged to be acessible (able to be read out loud by screenreaders) and other features
  • For your own online PDFs (Compressed zipped folder, 3.6MB)
    If you are designing a publication for your own agency or client (not DIA) then you can use this template, which includes all Paragraph Style tagged to be acessible (able to be read out loud by screenreaders) and other features

DIA Visual Identity Guide

Download the Visual Identity Guide (PDF, 6.7MB, 21 pages)
Includes guidance and checklist on how to produce accessible online/print collateral. 


Contact DIA Communications for more information.