Te Aka Taiwhenua - Māori Strategic Framework

Te Aka Taiwhenua - Māori Strategic Framework

The purpose of this document is to provide the Department with an overarching strategic framework that:

  • connects the strategy to our staff, services and the work that we do
  • affirms our commitment to honour our Treaty obligations
  • clearly articulates the Department’s roles and responsibilities under the Treaty
  • provides a reference for our leadership role in a whole of government context, and
  • recognises the skills, capabilities and resources required to ensure the Department is prepared for its roles and responsibilities.

View or download the document:

View our video on Te Aka Taiwhenua (www.youtube.com)

Thumbnail image of 'Te Aka Taiwhenua' video on YouTube

View our video on why DIA should support Te Reo (www.youtube.com)

Thumbnail image of 'Why DIA should support Te Reo' video on YouTube

View our video on how the Treaty of Waitangi gives our work meaning (www.youtube.com)

Thumbnail image for the 'How the Treaty of Waitangi gives our work meaning' video on YouTube

View our video on what to keep in mind when providing services to Māori (www.youtube.com)

Thumbnail image of the 'What to keep in mind when providing services to Māori' video for YouTube