The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Local Government Cabinet Papers

About the Local Government Act Review Cabinet Papers Database
The Minister of Local Government has agreed to the Department posting the Cabinet papers and minutes on the Local Government Act Review on its website. This page gives you access to the Cabinet papers and minutes on the Local Government Act Review. These papers are released consistent with the Official Information Act 1982. Some information has been withheld under section 9 of the Act. We have indicated clearly where material has been deleted and why.

Please note that these are Cabinet papers, not Departmental papers, and that they appear on the Department's Local Government Act Review website for reasons of convenience, because it will be helpful for interested people to find all the Local Government Act Review material in one place.

To read a paper, click on the highlighted title below. The papers are all in .pdf format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site. They are listed in date order, with the earliest at the top.

Identifying Papers
To make it easier to follow, the number and letter code that appears with each paper is the reference number assigned by Cabinet Office. The format of the reference number indicates the type of paper:

  • Min indicates the paper is a minute from a meeting, which contains a number of decisions. Where Min does not appear, in most cases this indicates that a paper from the Minister is attached
  • (01) Indicates the year in which a paper was considered
  • POL refers to the Cabinet Policy Committee
  • EXG refers to the Cabinet Committee on Government Expenditure and Administration
  • CAB refers to Cabinet

In general, a Cabinet paper is first considered by a Cabinet Committee, which makes decisions, then by Cabinet, which confirms or alters the decisions of the Committee.

If you would like more information about how Cabinet works, visit

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13. c) LGA Review: Council Controlled Organisations
Reference No: Paper - Council-Controlled Organisations
File Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 90k

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