Lake Taupo fee increase delayed
7 June 2011
To allow time for improvements to the facilities, the Department of Internal Affairs is deferring a fee increase for use of the Lake Taupo boating facilities.
The Department first proposed the fee increase in March 4 2011 and called for submissions on the proposal.
Seventy two submissions were received and the Department has fully considered the issues raised and has decided to continue work on the proposal with further market analysis on fees charged by other facilities.
The Department has also secured $4.8 million over four years to complete some maintenance and upgrading work on the boating facilities. The Harbourmaster team will begin this work soon.
The delay is also in recognition of the tight economic environment and gives facility users more time to prepare for fee increases.
The Department will consult with stakeholders and users again in late October 2011 on the new proposed fee increases for the Lake Taupo facilities.
Lake Taupo Navigational Safety Bylaw 2010
The Department has also considered the twenty eight submissions received on amendments to the Lake Taupo Navigation Safety Bylaw 2010.
The submissions received showed strong support for the proposed amendments. The purpose of the bylaw is to provide management of recreational boating on Lake Taupo and the enforcement of navigation safety rules.
Amendments to the bylaw include the requirement for lifejackets to be worn in recreational craft under 6 metres, requiring jetskis to be registered and requirement for certain types of vessels to be clearly identified. The new amendments will also include new reserved swim only areas for Kuratau and Ti Te Point.
The Department will begin drafting the Bylaw to have it in place before the 2011/12 summer holiday period.
A copy of the draft bylaw will be available at the Harbourmaster’s Office, Redoubt Street, Taupo, and on after 14 July 2011.
Philip King
Lake Taupo Harbourmaster
The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
Phone 07 378 7176