Jack and Sophie most popular first names for 2009
The list of the most popular baby names registered last year has been released by the office of Births, Deaths and Marriages of the Department of Internal Affairs.
Jack is still the most popular boys’ name and Sophie is still the most popular girls’ name. Jack has been the most popular boys’ name since 2005, Sophie the most popular girls’ name since 2008.
Three new names enter the top 10 boys’ and girls’ lists. Ruby is the most popular newcomer, coming in at number two on the girls’ list, with Amelia entering at 10. Thomas is the only new name in the boys’ top 10, coming in at number 10.
The three names enter the lists at the expense of Jessica, Grace and Riley.
The full list is available on the Department of Internal Affairs website at: Most Popular Male and Female Names
Name lists are recorded in a national register only. Unfortunately, we cannot provide regional lists of the most popular names.
Michael Mead
Senior Communications Advisor
Department of Internal Affairs
Phone 04 382 3437 (direct dial) Mobile 027 487 7778
e-mail: michael.mead@dia.govt.nz