The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Reminder: Daylight saving ends on Sunday

28 March 2011

New Zealand Daylight Saving will end next Sunday 3 April 2011 when 3.00am becomes 2.00am.

People may find it convenient to put their clocks back by one hour before going to bed on Saturday 2 April.

As well as changing clocks, the end of daylight saving is an opportune time for people to check their household emergency plans and survival kits and home smoke alarms.

The period runs from the last Sunday in September to the first Sunday in April. This year daylight saving will recommence on 25 September, during the pool matches of the Rugby World Cup.

Full background on daylight saving in New Zealand can be found on the Department of Internal Affairs website.

Media contact:
Trevor Henry, senior communications adviser, Department of Internal Affairs
Ph 04 495 7211; cell 0275 843 679