The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Legislative Reviews › Local Government Act Review › Consultation Document

This page is a historic record.

It contains links to old and/or superseded documents for reference purposes only.


This is a historical document that preceded the introduction of the Local Government Act 2002. The closing date for submissions was 30 August 2001. The document outlines proposals to achieve Government objectives for local government. These relate to:

  • the purpose of local government
  • the powers of local government
  • the relationship between Maori, the Treaty of Waitangi and local government
  • streamlining the effectiveness of local government legislation.

    The most significant proposals are the suggested purpose, which is to promote the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of communities, and the broadening of powers to give councils the scope to choose the activities they undertake and how they should undertake them.

    The Department of Internal Affairs organised the public consultation phase of the review. The Department's staff facilitated an extensive series of public meetings including a series of hui, fono and meetings specifically for Maori, Pacific Island and ethnic communities. Submissions closed 30 August 2001. A synopsis of submissions is available here: Synopsis of Submissions

    A copy can be viewed, printed or downloaded below:

  • Review of the Local Government Act: Consultation Document (.pdf) 400k*

    Maori Language Version

    The following document is a Maori language version of the foreword written by the Minister of Local Government, Hon Sandra Lee, and the chapter 'Maori, Treaty of Waitangi and local government' in the Local Government Review consultation document.

  • Review of the Local Government Act: Maori translation (.pdf) 68k*

    * To view this document you must have Adobe Acrobat reader. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.