AML-CFT ITK Meet the team Joyce and Alex

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5 September 2023.

We want to take the time to introduce you to Joyce and Alex, a couple of our friendly Graduate AML/CFT Regulators in Auckland who have been working on supporting the Annual AML/CFT Reporting season.

What is your role in annual reporting and what are you noticing?

Joyce: I focus on effectively communicating with reporting entities to make it easy for them to submit an annual report. I review new enquiries or questions originating from reporting entities and respond to emails requesting administrative and technical support for access to AML Online and RealMe.

Alex: My focus during annual reporting was being a link between the Department and reporting entities to guide them through their administrative queries that are sent to our email. This year we saw a high volume of queries about RealMe and AML Online, with reporting entities finding timeframes frustrating in terms of getting their RealMe account verified.

What is the most rewarding thing about the role?

Joyce: I really enjoy helping reporting entities navigate from point A to point B. It’s rewarding especially to be able to make a difference by providing support and guidance. It is a great feeling.

Alex: The most rewarding thing is knowing you have helped someone. Whenever we receive follow up emails thanking us for our help or acknowledging that we have made things easier for them, it is such a great feeling.

Is there anything you would like everyone in the sector to know?

Joyce: I would like to ask that AML/CFT Compliance Officer and/or Delegates remember to keep their business details up to date. This helps ensure that the data we have on our record is timely and accurate and it enables us to communicate with the right people in your organisation.

Alex: There is a lot of information on the Department's website that is instructional and informative. Reviewing that material if you have a question might save you having to send an email. The guidelines for specific sectors are my favourite resources, and the webinars under 'educational videos' are great!