The Department of Internal Affairs

The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Resource material › Corporate Publications › Statement of Intent 2012-15Tauāki Whakamaunga Atu

Our purpose and values


Our purpose

Internal Affairs serves and connects people, communities and government to build a safe, prosperous and respected nation.

Tō tātou Whāinga: ko tā te Tari Taiwhenua he whakarato me te hono i ngā iwi, ngā hapori me te kāwanatanga ki te hanga motu haumaru, tōnui, whai mana hoki.

Our values

We are agile and productive

We are clear and open

We act with courage and integrity

The way we work

We make diversity a strength

We are positive about our work, and those with whom we work

We uphold our tradition of service

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