The Department of Internal Affairs

The Department of Internal Affairs

Te Tari Taiwhenua

Building a safe, prosperous and respected nation


Resource material › Corporate Publications › Statement of Intent 2013-16Tauāki Whakamaunga Atu

Contributing to Outcomes
Long Description

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This diagram shows six Impacts contributing to three Outcomes.

Each Outcome is represented by a labelled dark blue box forming a column of three dark boxes on the left hand side of the diagram.

Each Impact is represented by a labelled light blue box forming a column of six light boxes on the right side.

The Impact boxes are joined to one or more Outcomes by a series of connecting lines.

Next to each Impact box is a hyperlinked page reference to that part of the document where information about the Impact may be found.

The Outcomes are labelled as follows (from top to bottom):

  • New Zealand’s diverse people and communities/hapū/iwi are resilient and prosperous
  • New Zealand is recognised for creating, sharing and using knowledge for social, cultural and economic well-being
  • The people of New Zealand have a strong and valued identity, culture and heritage.

The Impacts are labelled as follows (from top to bottom):

  1. People and communities understand and manage hazards and risks
  2. Participants in regulated activities behave responsibly and with integrity
  3. People have the capability to participate in their communities and across communities
  4. People are able to access and use information important to their lives
  5. New Zealand’s documentary record is protected and available for current and future generations
  6. New Zealand’s personal identity information has integrity

The following Impacts are joined by connecting lines to the following Outcomes:

Impacts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are connected to Outcome 1
Impacts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are connected to Outcome 2
Impacts 4, 5 and 6 are connected to Outcome 3

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